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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Confessions of an Eeyore

So, scratch that.

Last week wasn't blog week after all.  (I thought if I said it, it would come true.)

But, here's a tiny thought of the day from my heart to yours.  (And, then I'll be back with pictures.  Maybe of Easter.  Or, something else that happened over a month ago.)

Life is going well around here.  But, I do have a confession to make.  God has been {ever so gently} wrestling with me.

Because I have this little problem.  I'm a glass half empty girl.

There.  I said it.  (Because, really, those of us who are that way, don't really ever want to admit it.  Who wants to be Eeyore when Tigger's so much more fun?  By the way, we're reading Winnie the Pooh as a family right now, and Mark is the best Eeyore voice I've ever heard.  And, A.A. Milne is one of the funniest most talented authors I've ever known too.  That was a sidenote.)

But, what's interesting is that in the "big bad hard" parts of life, I've actually been the opposite.  When true trials have surrounded me, I have leaned on God for every breath I take, I've seen the positive in situations, I have been SO filled with JOY, and I've seen Him do AMAZING things.  Like so amazing, you wouldn't even believe they're real.

But, put me in an ordinary, nothing especially difficult kind of day, and I start seeing the bad instead of the good.  What is that ABOUT?!  It's so frustrating!  And, I've seen it in myself more lately than I care to.  (I think I've even had the Eeyore voice.  I know.  So sad.)

I've been seeing a busy day as a stressor.  I've been seeing four doctor appointments and two therapy appointments in one week as a burden.  I've been seeing a house full of mess and a floor full of laundry as a major problem.  I've been seeing our school days as overwhelming and long before they even start!

And, just this morning, as I was praying about my upcoming day, I was already praying about it like it was bad and hard and too much.

And, God literally stopped me in my tracks and said "Go, sit down, and listen to Me."  I'm not kidding.  It was that clear.

So, I went.  In the middle of cleaning a kitchen counter while making breakfast and starting laundry, I stopped. And sat. And read.  And, my first realization is that I have let the most important thing slip.  My time with Him early in the morning.  I know this about myself.  I know how badly I need it! But, my exhaustion and busy mornings with a new baby had led to skipping my reading time.  First here and there, and then almost every day.  And, boy does that silly enemy sneak IN when you're not in your armor!!

So, what was up next in my Bible Study today?  The story of Paul and Silas having JOY in prison.  And Stephen having JOY in stoning.  And, modern day martyrs, blessing the Lord as they are killed for His name's sake.  Wow.  All of a sudden, I realized.  I'm not even close to a trial.  I'm not in prison.  I'm not being stoned.  And, even more than that, I am in a time of blessing!!!  Of overflow.  Of plenty.  Of fullness.

I have three healthy, beautiful, curious, delightful, full-of-energy-and-life daughters and one healthy, beautiful, curious, stronger-by-the-day son.

And, this is the day the LORD has MADE.  I WILL rejoice and be glad in it!  I've just been reminded and convicted (again) that I have to start with knowing Who made my day.  And, stopping to talk with Him about it first.  Then, I have to set my sight on the JOY that He has filled our home with, and rejoice in the blessings.

Don't really know why I needed to share that today.  But, I did.

Just wanted to encourage other moms at the end of busy school years with busy homes and alot on their plates, that God longs for us to see this overflow as a blessing and not a curse!  And, to receive it all with joy and gratitude.

Said by an Eeyore who found some Tigger bounce today.  Thank you, God, for that.  :)


Taylor said...

Thanks Chelsea! I guess I am kind of like you in this stage in my life right now...the end of the school year is getting to be fun for the kids I nanny but more of a burden on me! I start my day just dreading going into work, even when it isn't that bad! And I should be filling up my time with them because my last day is this Friday!! This is such encouragement for me and a great reminder of my blessings with them..I need to be going to God before my day starts! So thanks for sharing!

Brittani said...

I know it can get overwheleming at times. I always remind myself that I GET to be a mom and wife. I know several woman who would love to be both of these right now. God chose me to be Landon's mommy and Heath's wife and I am so lucky he did. When my house gets overwheleming I remind myself that this is our house to LIVE in. It's not going to look like Better Homes a Gardens, we are living here not taking a photo shoot. If anyone has anything to say about it I let them know my supermom cape is at the cleaners! You are doing a fantastic job, no doubt! Can't wait to see more pictures of Gabe.

Lisa Renee said...

THANK YOU! SO needed that!

Mary said...

It is very easy to get bogged down in the everyday drudgery, because it is EVERYWHERE at this stage! :) Diapers, school, whining, food, constant is often hard to look past it and know that I JOY in spending time with my kids. I completely understand this post, and God calls me back to enjoy every menial task...

Sarah B said...

Well, not a busy mom - but I read your post while in China on a mission trip. From another glass-half-empty person, I tried each day to see God's joy and blessings and they were abundant. Thanks for your words and reminders. We are called to lift each other up in that way. Thanks for making the time to do it.

Juanita said...

We just got home with our Rwandan son 3 days ago and I needed to hear your words. This isn't a trial but for some reason it feels like it for me. Thank you for being honest.

Jana said...

Thanks so much for your honesty! I needed to read this today! Blessings to you!Jana

Mindful Market said...

Hi, I just moved to Lake Bunyonoyi in Uganda and will be homeschooling my children. Looking to meet families in Kigali...thanks Crystal
please email me at:
Look forward to hearing from you :)

Mindful Market said...

Hi, living in Lake Bunyonyi and homeschooling me children...hoping to meet families in Kigali. You can contact me at:
Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you.