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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

C.H.A.S.E. Day is FRIDAY!

We've officially entered a time of year that will always be significant for us. The last week in September...when seasons are changing, the State Fair is in town, and pumpkins begin to grace the front porches of friends and neighbors. It all brings back so much in my heart.

Sure, some of it is hard. We said goodbye to our child long before we wanted to, and that will always hurt. I remember conversations, smells, meals, emotions, scriptures, acts of service...details of every kind from two years ago. (It's really amazing how vivid those things are.)

But, as we enter this week of remembering, I also remember amazing moments of clarity and vision for what this life is all about.

So, for that reason, we are also entering a time of thanksgiving.

Because our little Chase taught us to love without hesitation...and saying goodbye to him has made us live differently.

This is the thing: We aren't guaranteed tomorrow. Now, aren't you glad you stopped by my blog for some upbeat encouragement tonight? Let me say it a more positive way:

We have TODAY to make a difference. We have TODAY to hug our kids and share with them the riches of living in God's love. We have TODAY to bless someone else in need, or express appreciation to someone who deserves our gratitude. We have TODAY to reconcile with someone we miss in our life.

And, that's what I've learned. TODAY matters. It was created for us to spend sharing His glory. And, to bless someone else with our gifts, talents, love, and resources.

So, because we have been given another opportunity this year to celebrate our son---to celebrate all he has brought to our lives---and to celebrate what we have learned from walking this road, we are

Choosing to
Honor thru
Acts of
Service and

To bless without holding back. To stop and realize that every day we've been given is God's day to use as He would like.

C.H.A.S.E. Day is FRIDAY!
And, just like last year, we'd love for you to join us. Bless someone else unexpectedly. And, in doing this, help us honor a precious little boy who reminded us that "this world is not our home". But, until we're home with him, we're gonna love like crazy. Because it's an honor to do so.

In just a few hours, our family will start our C.H.A.S.E. Day fun a little early, and just like last year, these girls are SO excited to get going! So, join in the fun!! And, thank you for your love, as always.


Mary said...

Can't wait to hear about all the things that honor sweet Chase!

Michael Ann said...


It is always a blessing to me to read your blog posts! I cannot believe it's been two years. What an amazing testimony you and Mark have been for those around you. A testimony to God and a testimony to anyone who undergoes what you have been through, as well as those who haven't. Your faith and your choice to take what you have gone through and bless children and those in need is so awesome. God bless you all for everthing you are doing! Chase will never be forgotten, still makes me cry when I think of him. I love the words you have chosen for C.H.A.S.E - so fitting. God works in mysterious ways and we can all see Him working through you to bless others and in turn, bless Him! We love you all, praying continued peace and guidance in all that you do. We love and miss you sweet Chase and cannot wait to meet you in Heaven! (BTW, have you read Heaven is for Real? So great and if not, I hightly recommend it. It will bring you so much comfort!).