It might be one of those posts. It's late at night. I'm counting my blessings. And, I'm finding pictures I forgot to blog... :)
If it's any excuse, I seem to be neck-deep in schooling around here. So much so that I kind of feel like nothing much else is getting accomplished.
But, hey, we're still able to say--at the end of the day---that we read

and learn

and explore

and make patterns
and play with colored sand.

You know, all in a day's work, right?
OH! And, we bake cakes! Umm, no. WE don't bake cakes.
Grandma bakes amazing cakes and then lets us help her decorate them!
One of the suggestions in our geography curriculum is to make a world cake, where the kids practice their continent knowledge and you have fun baking together. When I read this, I knew I had two options: 1) Skip it entirely and ignore the idea or
2) ask Grandma to be in charge with all of her cake-decorating training and skill!
I mean, look at these supplies! She knows what she's doing!
Luckily, she said yes. And, last Friday, we spent the whole day preparing this cake in every way. Okay, not really. Grandma had done quite a bit of prep work ahead of time. Like the whole "baking the cakes" part. :)
So, we spent our time rolling fondant,
cutting out shapes and letters,

and decorating all three tiers!

It took a few hours,{and we may have had a few issues, like the globe layer imploding on us}
but it was so worth the effort!
The girls had so much fun making it, and we ALL enjoyed eating it too!!

I love that Cheri took a picture of me with the girls, as if I had anything to do with this project. I cut out one word and a few little hearts and flowers. That was it! But, boy was I proud of these girls' masterpiece!

Oh, man. It's good to look at these pictures on the iPhone tonight.
Because, I won't lie. This week started R-O-U-G-H on the homeschool front. I mean, days were ending at 7:00 pm. Tempers were flaring and patience was lacking.
And, I mean from the teacher.
But, after some time literally on my face in prayer this morning (and I don't say that from deep was more of a moment of absolute desperation in needing a new attitude),
I gave a few things back to God...again...and today went much better.
(By the way, you know how God will send you a message a few different ways to make sure you KNOW what He's trying to tell you? Well, this was my message, given three times in the last 2 days: Repentance does not mean saying you're sorry.
It means turning and walking in a new direction.
I won't get into what that means for me right now. But, let's just say I've said sorry for some things repeatedly lately, without changing the way I was walking. I needed the message.)
God is working on me big time. He is making sure I realize that there is JOY to be found in serving and loving and treasuring the children I have under my roof. There is even JOY in the waiting and the missing of the ones who aren't. There is MOVEMENT even when I doubt it.
And, there is VALUE in being pruned for His glory. Whew.
Meanwhile, even with all of that going on, I am being filled. Thank you Lord. And, I'm counting it all joy {even if the teeth are clinched at times} to be mom to these cuties.

Let's see...what else should I cover in this tangent blog?
Oh, yes! This littlest cutie started preschool last week with her sweet teacher, Mrs. Marla!

Abby Kate has been so excited about being in the big 4-year-old class and has talked NON-STOP every single day of school about all they are learning and doing and saying and playing. She has alot to say. And, I just wish I could record it all.
She wanted pictures with each of us on her first day of school and was quite proud to be the one everyone was doting over.

Boy, is she the baby or what?!

As I looked through pics of August, I came across a few more that never made it to the blog.
First, these precious pics of the girls with our Annie Girl on our last night with her.

Three days after we got home from Rwanda, we found out Annie had aggressive bone cancer and was in extreme pain. Her cancer had most likely spread to her brain, judging from her inability to walk. This all happened SO FAST while we were gone to Africa. And, it broke our hearts to have to say goodbye to our sweet dog, who had literally walked through every single part of our married life.
She has welcomed each of the girls home, never leaving their sides as newborns. She even took extra care of me when I couldn't bring my Chase home. She knew something was wrong and stayed in whatever room I was in for days and days. She protected me anytime Mark was gone. She enjoyed barking at the mailman and the trash man and the pizza man.
She made us laugh with her lazy habits and her long naps on her favorite stair. She loved and loved and loved our family. And, she is missed every single day.
The girls like to imagine that she is with Chase now,
loving on him and playing like she used to when she was young.
All I know is she is loved and missed.

Especially by this girl.

Carlie had a very special bond with Annie, and is certainly the animal lover of the family.
I was really worried about her saying goodbye...and it was hard.
But, the next day, we celebrated her SEVENTH birthday with a trip to Build A Bear,
where she made her own Annie Girl dog, who sleeps with her every night now.

So, all is getting better. Well, not yet. When she gets another dog, she says she'll finally feel better. Oh, goodness.
And, yes, I know I haven't even blogged about Carlie turning seven. She did. While I was in Rwanda the second time. On August 12th. And, Grandma made another cute cake and she was celebrated by cousins of all kinds. :)
We sent her flowers and balloons, trying to make up for the fact that we were gone on her birthday. :( We still have celebrating left to do for that girl.
And, she has been oh-so-patient to wait for it.
And, last but not least...there's another birthday quickly approaching! Sweet little Chase has been in heaven for two years next Friday, September 30th. I was just telling my sister tonight that it is still amazing to me that not a day goes by that he is not mentioned in our house. He is celebrated always. Even today, Kendyll was talking again about which sister he looked most like, and what he's probably doing in heaven today.
He's a part of us. Always. This time of year will always be about him for me. So much reminds me of him...of both the mourning and the comfort. And, we look forward to marking next Friday as another year closer to loving on him someday.
Sweet baby boy!! We can't wait to spend a whole day celebrating.
C.H.A.S.E. day is coming. We will honor you by blessing others again this year,
and we always will spend your day this way...
because you have blessed us and changed us forever.

(This is last year's picture, but it is soon to be updated...stay tuned.)
1 comment:
Love this, Chelsea. What you are learning about repentance is what God has been trying to tell me in our homeschool as well. Thanks for the word of truth!
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