I realize I am not writing about this trip in any kind of chronological order. I'm basically sharing what comes to my mind, and the stories I want to remember.
Here is one about our friend, Wisdom.
Mama Amy and Colin were in Ghana with us this summer, and the kids really missed having them here again this time.
On one of the first nights, Comfort, Amy's special friend from the summer, asked to call her...so we did. And, it was SO cute to watch all the girls "chat" on the iphone with Mama Amy all the way in Dallas.
Then, later in the week, Wisdom was very worried about the surgery he would be having the next day. He is a really smart kid, so there was not much we could say that pacified him, like "You'll feel better and be healthier after this" or "Don't worry. It will all be okay."
I spent alot of time with him all week, so that whole morning he just wanted me to sit with him, and I did my best to comfort him and help him not worry. I just watched as silent tears just fell down his face again and again. I prayed with him, rubbed his back, tried to distract him by doing his favorite things (painting and legos), and answered his questions as honestly as possible. (He wanted to know EXACTLY what was going to happen to him.) But, the sweet boy just broke my heart. His smile (which is one of the biggest I've ever seen) was just NOT there.

So, I sent a text to Mama Amy, knowing she would join me in praying. I asked her to pray for Wisdom to have peace about surgery. And, she sent this back to him:
"Lord, you are Wisdom's strength, his shield from every danger. Ps. 28:7
Be strong and courageous, Wisdom. Do not be terrified for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you or forsake you. Deut. 31:6
But I will restore you to health, Wisdom, and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. Jer. 30:17
Wisdom, I love you and you are going to do so well.
Mama Amy
I wish I could explain the HUGE Wisdom smile that came over his face as I read this to him.
I was completely crying, as I watched him soak in her words---and finally smile. I just watched as he was loved from afar. He immediately cheered up and wanted to write Amy back.

This is what he said:
"Dear Amy. I am so happy to hear from you thank you for the prayer the Lord your god is with you Matthew 14:14 If you ask anything in my name I will do it amen. Love you."
Oh my, was I crying then! As Amy said, "Thank you LORD for text messages!"
And, Wisdom was literally never sad again the entire day.

The next day, as I sat with him before surgery, he was smiling the WHOLE time.
We prayed again, talked about what would be happening, and that I wouldn't leave his side. I also told him again that Amy and Colin were praying all day for him, and I read the scriptures that Amy sent him. Again, the peace just washed over him.

It was precious. And, it was so wonderful to see how much Mama Amy could help Wisdom in EXACTLY the way he needed it, even from across the world.
This was another one of those moments where I was reminded that God has called us to be Mommas to these kids, no matter where we are. And, to watch Wisdom receive comfort, not only from me sitting beside him, but also from his Mama Amy all the way from Dallas was such a special thing.
It's so hard to come home and not be able to hug and love on these kids. But, I'm trying to remember that we can love them, even from afar.

Until I can go back, that is. :)
1 comment:
Just absolutely precious. Can't wait to join you there one day.
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