I shared about Wisdom's smiles in the last post, but there were lots of other smiles this week too. Look at these grins full of white teeth. Oh, I miss them!
You already saw my "running hug" pictures when I arrived, but here are some more of when Mama Shannon arrived, and when Mark arrived.

They make you feel like a movie star with their joy in seeing you again. And, there was all kinds of tackling and guy grunts when Mark walked into the boys' room. I love this picture of them pouncing on him.

And, so many of the smiles came from the gifts you gave, both for the Touch a Life kids, as well as for the communities we traveled through.
Wade & Kelly, the silly string fight was genius. They have never had so much fun. (And, neither have we!)

In fact, the kids' smiles never left their faces, whether we were having a silly string fight, drawing with sidewalk chalk, playing with playdough, blowing bubbles, glowing with glo-bracelets, reading their handmade cards from kids in the U.S., or painting with new watercolors...they had SUCH a fun time being kids. And, couldn't stop saying thank-you for their surprises.

The candy was also the perfect way to connect to the communities around the Village of Hope and also at the lake. We gave candy to villages we passed through, and watched as children with no expression, just came alive with smiles.

We also saw children who were sitting in a canoe on Lake Volta, trafficked and enslaved, crack huge smiles as we handed them a blow-pop or a bag of skittles.

For a moment, they were just children excited about a treat. And, they held on to their treasures for dear life.

And, of course, our own Touch a Life friends had a pretty good feast on candy too. :) Even the biggest kids were squealing with joy at all the "toffees" (this is what they call candy.)

We also got to laugh really hard as Mark and Taylor chucked candy and art supplies out the window as we drove home from the lake. We didn't have time to stop each time, so they got really good at their aim. And, a few kids thought they were receiving gifts from heaven. :)
Do you see these Skittles in mid-air?

And, it was so fun to look out the back window and watch the kids going crazy, jumping up and down, yelling, and waving at us....with HUGE smiles. It really was priceless.
But, my favorite moments were handing out soccer balls along the road. Just like last time, the kids went CRAZY for new soccer balls. And, every time, we found the perfect recipients. One time, we threw it onto a school soccer field, and the kids all cheered and immediately began playing with it. One time, we found one single boy walking down the dirt road with a soccer jersey on. I think he was the happiest boy I've ever seen when he caught the flying ball. And, then there were others who Taylor and Mark got to actually walk up and hand the ball to. These are just the sweetest pictures, and best smiles.
So, thank you to everyone who gave SMILES to these kids. You made their day, and showed them how loved they are!
Oh Chelsea, this just makes me so happy! I have been reading and re-reading all of your posts. Would you have ever thought a year ago that the Lord would be using you in this powerful of a way? He is good. As happy as these pictures are, the one of the kids sitting in the canoe just gives me chills all over. Such a poignant reminder that I want to continue to pray for those still out on that lake. So thankful you and your team are making such a life-changing impact. And I'll be more than happy to send silly string every time you go! :)
Chelsea, thank you so much for posting these pictures! I loved being able to show the girls...what a great way to start Thanksgiving!!! We are thankful for you and Mark...thank you for letting us join in this amazing ministry! We love you!
So , so, so sweet.
chelsea! i just got all caught up! what a GREAT trip....awesome God!! the land is beautiful & i'll be praying about that.
i love looking at your pictures of those sweet kiddos and seeing God work there.
i feel your heart with your post to your child in Rwanda...what a hard wait. i'm glad you get to go for a bit. praying for you!!
These posts make me long to follow in His footsteps in a place my heart already calls home... Africa.
Thank you, beyond measure, for sharing these experiences with us.
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