Okay, so this might be a little bit different than the Promised Land of the Bible. But to our team, it has many parallels. The Promised Land that Moses led his people to was given after years of slavery in Egypt. It was given to a people the Lord longed to redeem and bless. And, it flowed with milk and honey. It was a beautiful land...a complete contrast to what they had known before: desert wasteland.
These children in Ghana deserve the same "promised land" in exchange for the desert wasteland of slavery.
And, I think God just might have shown us the Promised Land during this trip. :)

Let me back up a bit. A few weeks ago, Pam Cope left me a voicemail asking me if Mark and I ever dreamed of a house on the beach. She proceeds to tell me that, thanks to Garret, their director who lives in Ghana, they may have found a new land option with a beachfront view for Chase's Place and the village it will be a part of!
Mark and I both were amazed at the news. But, were also cautious, because we weren't sure how "certain" this would be. For many months, we have joined the Touch A Life staff in praying for God's direction, as the land for the new village was being sought. Two or three times, they have been very close to having the land settled, and every time it fell through for one reason or another.
But, as I listened to Pam excitedly say "We are claiming this land. This is going to be OURS!", we joined her in the excitement and immediately began praying that God would make this happen--and if possible--allow us to see it while we were there.
I believe the months of delay were because the Lord knew the PERFECT place, and was just wanting us to "travel steadily along His path" to find it.
Put your hope in the Lord. Travel steadily along His path. He will honor you by giving you the land." Psalm 37:34.
The first day I was in Ghana, we stood on the land that we have all dreamed about, prayed about, and asked the Lord for. And, it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, with rolling green hills, and a view of the ocean!

As we walked up the hill toward the top of where the houses would be built, Lisa walked alongside me, reading scripture the whole way.

As she read, I cried. Because there was NO way for her to know the scriptures I had claimed as my prayer for the children who would live here. But, she was reading the same scriptures in Isaiah, word for word. Sometimes God is just too much for me. :)
Here are some of the words we read:
"I will restore the land and reassign its desolate inheritances, to say to the captives "Come out" and to those in darkness, "Be FREE!"
"Shout for joy, O heavens; rejoice, O earth; burst into song, O mountains! For the Lord comforts His people and will have compassion on His afflicted ones!"
"The Lord will look with compassion on all Zion's ruins...He will make her wastelands like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing!"
"The ransomed of the Lord will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting JOY will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away."
As we reached the top of the hill, we were all just overcome with how beautiful it was. There was a strong breeze (which is QUITE nice when it's a hot day in Ghana) and it just felt so peaceful.
We gathered as a group, read more scripture, sang "Lord, You're Beautiful", and prayed over the land and the future.

It was probably one of the most powerful prayer times I've been a part of, as we asked the Lord's favor on this place.

Before we left the land, each of us wrote the initials of our loved one, who we will be building in honor of. Pam wrote a "J" for Jantsen. Nan wrote a "C" for Connor. Lisa wrote a "C" for her sister, Connie. And, I wrote a "baby C" for sweet Chase.
The next day, as soon as Mark arrived, I took him back to see the land. He, of course, agreed, that this HAD to be the place.
And now, we're all dreaming of what it will be like for this to be HOME for these kids. It's gonna be amazing. So many of you have joined us specifically in praying for the land. And, we appreciate it so much. Will you continue to pray, please?
Pam met with the village chief and all is looking really good. But, we would love to cover it continually in prayer until the foundation is laid!
And here is a passage I found after we came home, that has now become precious to me:
"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." Isaiah 32:18
Oh, my goodness! I cannot wait to be there, lending a hand as God builds a place of peace, promise and hope for His kids!!! God is good and worthy of praise!
Agreed minnderdee (whoever that is:) I can't wait to be there and see it...and pray over it...and build on it...and I absolutely can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for that land!
I'm also stealing (if Scripture can be stolen) the last verse you wrote as our theme verse for our family and foster kiddos. I love it.
Dad, we're already talking about which month we should take a building team!! :) And, we are constantly daydreaming about what the village will be like!
I can't wait for you all to be there soon too!!
And, yes, Cass! That verse is perfect for your foster kiddos. :) And, I'm pretty sure you can't STEAL scripture...I mean, since I didn't actually write it first, I think it's up for grabs. :)
Love y'all. Thanks for sharing our excitement and continuing to pray with us...
I just love reading this story. I can't wait for your book to be published! I love how God's fingerprints are all over every detail!
Chelsea, I am so inspired by the way you have taken your loss and turned it into something so beautiful. The beachfront property is stunning and I am so excited for the work you are doing with these children and His Chase. I would love to chat more with you and find out more about how you went about starting your foundation and this journey. If you have time, send me an email at kdunn08@gmail.com Thanks. Much love and blessings to you.
Love these posts about your trip. I am trying to find your email address but haven't had any luck. We are celebrating Advent with the girls and the first week of Advent focuses on hope. As we were talking, I got to talking about Village of Hope and the girls want to do something for the kids there as we think about hope this week. I am at a loss....can you help? I want to honor their idea. Is there a way we can ship something to the kids there? Are do some artwork for them? Any ideas would be grand!
Also, want to talk with you further about getting involved. I sit and cry as I read your blog feeling my heart pulled but not knowing how to get my feet in motion. I have followed Pam and her work for several years and consistently hear the Lord calling me to something but I have no idea what. Where to start helping these kids with my mommy arms over here????!! I am at brittfitz@hotmail.com!
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