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Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween Weekend

Since there is alot to fit into this Halloween post, I won't take too much time on "deeper things". Just a paragraph or so. :)

I wasn't sure what to expect on our "first" holiday. Thursday and Friday of this last week were tough, and I found myself not being the mommy I would like to be to my three girls. I was a bit overwhelmed with all we had to do, and found myself just wishing I could sneak away for a few hours to recharge my heart and mind. But, since there wasn't time for that, I felt I was running at full speed, without the ability to keep up emotionally. I love holidays, and so do my kids. I wanted so badly to still provide the fun they deserved and needed, but my heart was just not in it. I felt short on patience with my three beautiful girls, as my mind wandered to new places in this walk of grief...places I hadn't expected to go on such busy, full days.

I received an email from my friend, Ashley, on Friday that said exactly what I was struggling with. I wanted to celebrate this holiday with my girls without the sadness. Although I know it won't ever be gone from my heart, I also wanted to cherish these times with my children, and be joyful. She was referring to a tough road of grief that she walked last year and said: "It was my prayer request every day that I could see, adore, appreciate, and be content for the moment that being Carley's mom was enough. I will pray diligently that you are able to be there for your three and that in certain moments, that is enough for your heart to be full, even for just a moment." Oh, that was the prayer of my heart. To be able to enjoy my three blessings and to focus on what I have been given in them. So, we prayed our way into this holiday weekend, and it was truly a wonderful weekend with our cuties.

Yes, I am a planner, and yes, I knew a baby was on his way. So of course, I had planned Halloween costumes long ago. We went with a "Wizard of Oz" theme, with Kendyll as Glenda, the Good Witch, Carlie as Dorothy, Abby Kate as the Not-so-Cowardly Lion, and Kendyll had already planned for Chase to be our little "Toto". I missed my little Toto greatly, but was so glad that God did fill my heart completely with not only my own three, but with many of the other children I love so much.

First, we had some Halloween "pre-parties"...

Abby Kate's Preschool Party, full of two year old fun!
Kendyll had a costume party with her church friends, and she decided to be a cat for the evening. I thought she was a pretty cute wildcat, and she found every part of the costume herself!
Her friend, Emma, was also a cat, so we attempted to get their picture. However, these kitties were in VERY silly moods after two hours of fun together. So, this was not an easy task!
Saturday, we got to spend a few hours with our friends, the Morelands, for little miss Hannah's 3rd birthday! We love their family, and we love that all three of our girls have a special Moreland friend to hang with. Here are Hollyn and Kendyll with their very practiced "best friend" pose:
Noah and Carlie, who are warming up to each other with each passing year. We're pacing well for
marriage someday. :)
Somehow I didn't get a good picture of Hannah and Abby Kate, but they are two peas in a pod as well. They spent most of the time concentrating on their gluing skills at the craft table. :)

Saturday night, we hosted the cousin party at our house, for our fifth annual "breakfast for dinner" Halloween party. Kendyll and I decorated that morning, and the girls made their "potato head" pumpkins for the porch.
I love how Abby Kate's pumpkin turned out. VERY SCARY, she says. :)
The girls were so excited to get their costumes on, and I have to say I laughed hard at my Glenda...and her hair. Kendyll was so excited to find blond curls just like the real Glenda. But, they didn't quite come off as 'natural' as the real thing. Check out that hair!
Here's our sweet, precious Dorothy.
And, our squeezable lion.
Can you just hear that growl?! (She says "My a nice lion. My not scary.")
I love these cousins who joined us too. We had a handsome "knight in the shining armor", a pretty princess, an adorable train conductor, and the Oz gang. A cute group of cousins, if you ask me!
We're getting better and better at the picture taking part with this gang...the knight was doing something important, I'm sure.
Have you ever seen a prettier princess than miss Avery Laine? (yes,she was already sampling some candy in this pic...)
Trick or treating was as good as ever, and the kids filled their bags quickly. We were quite the group going up and down to doors. Look at this entourage! (And, we also laughed because Kendyll and Braden held hands the whole night as you see in this picture...not just because they're cousins who love each other...also, because Kendyll made Braden "her knight" and she was being escorted by him all evening. The girl is always in dramatic mode, and she completely cracks me up. Poor Braden didn't even have a choice to hold her hand...but he didn't seem to mind.)
And, here's our little family of five, after a night of collecting candy.
After touring the neighborhood, we headed to see the other cousins at Pops and Grandma's house. Somehow I never got Strawberry Shortcake (aka Sophie), but here is Ty, also known as Frankenstein, and his lion friend.
And, here is how the girls and I ended our Halloween night...wrapped up in a blanket on Pops and Grandma's patio by the fireplace, watching tv outside in the cold. It was a great end to a great day.

Hope you all had a Happy Halloween too!


Cailee D. said...

They all look so perfect! I feel so incredibly blessed to have those precious kiddos in my life! Too stinkin' cute! Love you guys!!!

Brandi said...

What a beautiful family you have!!! Looks like you had a blast! Love all of the pics. I am so sorry that you are having to walk the journey that you are on. Just know that I often think of you and your family and I pray for you daily.

Amy Woods said...

Chelsea and Mark,

It was so good to see you guys the other day! We should plan a time when Brian can join us too! We love you and pray for you every day.


Jamie Kubeczka said...

These are some great pictures! Your girls are so precious! I love the Mr. Potato Head idea of decorating the pumpkins, so much better for little one's! :-)

Paige said...

Chelsea- Said a prayer for you last night after watching the world series- seeing chase utley bat made me think of you and your sweet boy! love the pictures of your beautiful family!

Ashley said...

I love you, girl. I am glad that the weekend ended up going well. I prayed and prayed and prayed for you. I also am glad that the journey I have been on has blessed you a little as well.