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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

One Month...and lots of thoughts

First, thank you for sharing in my love for those precious feet from my last post. :) I'm glad so many others agree that they are the sweetest feet ever created. I wish every one of you could have felt their softness. It's truly something I pray I will never forget. I remember the instinct I had in the first moments I held Chase---to cover his feet and hands with my hands because they were so cold. I wanted so badly to warm them. The mommy in me kicked in to "caretaking" without me even realizing what I was doing. I remember staring at his tiny toes, and I remember us talking about how long his feet were (and of course how good of an athlete he would have been.)

And, I remember thinking that our Great Creator left no detail undone as He created this precious one, even when He knew the number of Chase's days. There have been days where I've wondered WHY God took the time to make our baby so absolutely perfect, both inside and outside his body, knowing he would only live in my womb? But, I have been reminded time and time again that the Lord has shown HIS glory through Chase's small, tiny, and absolutely perfect features. He "knit him together", knowing all the while, that each of his tiny parts would be cherished by a mommy and daddy who loved him from day one. It's also been comforting to me to know that as much as I love my baby boy---literally to the point of my heart bursting---He loves him so much more than I can fathom. He created Chase. He is His child. He knows every hair on his head, and spent time determining every detail of who he was to be. And, He is gazing at him with love even now. He created him perfectly because of that great love!

But, let me tell you, his sweet perfection is sure missed around here.

Grief is a funny thing. Actually, to be honest, it's a frustrating thing. I have a good day, where I'm able to list 10 things that make me happy. And, then I have a day where the pit in my stomach grows throughout the day, and my loss feels stronger than ever. On those days, the tears always feel just below the surface, and the desire to just sit and be still before the Lord is so strong. (Too bad my two year old doesn't agree that I should be sitting before the Lord all day!)

Tonight, I'm struggling with what all to write much do I share in such a "public" way? It is a rather vulnerable feeling to share your feelings, your thoughts, your prayers in this way, especially when you consider yourself to be a rather "private" person (hence, the "private" blog and the lack of participation in things like facebook before now!)

But, yet, God keeps calling me to this place of surrender. Not just surrender before Him as I grieve. But, also surrender to the guard I place around me. As uncomfortable and "exposed" as it may feel, I do want others to see both the good and bad moments of grief, so that you see the real me. And, so that the Lord can use it for good.

I also know that being open and honest is how others know what to pray for. And, for that I am so very grateful.

Many people have asked if there are specific dates they should be praying for. And, the answer is yes. Especially this week. But, really every week, when I think about it...

Every Sunday, I need prayer because I remember the Sunday night we found out our lives had changed, and that Chase would not be part of it.

Every Monday, I need prayer because I count how many "weeks" pregnant I would be on that day.

Every Wednesday, I need prayer because it counts another week from when Chase was born.

Tomorrow, I need prayer, because it could have been the day Chase arrived, if he was like his sisters. Instead, it is the date that I am seeing my doctor for my four week follow-up appointment.

I can't believe it's been four weeks tomorrow. One month of time now has no context to me. It feels like yesterday and it feels like a lifetime ago.

So, I do covet your prayers for this week in general. It's yet another marker of time---one month---since this unfamiliar journey began for us. And, yet, we do continue to be amazed at how much the Lord has worked in us in these few weeks, already for good.

"Thank you for praying" seems so trite to say. But, please know it is meant from the depths of our hearts. It is still what carries us each day, as He bends His ear down to listen to the sweet prayers of His people. We feel our burden lifted and we have no doubt of the reason.

Today, I listened to an old hymn that just resonated in my soul. I do find myself literally standing on His promises. His promises that tell me that He is with me, and that He has plans for my future that will bless me and not harm me. I know this is true. I can feel this is true. I rest in this truth. But, sometimes I just need His gentle reminder that it's still true today, when I am sad, and tomorrow, when my arms still feel too empty. Thank you Lord that you are the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and that all I have to do is rest in You alone.

Standing on the promises I shall not fall,
List'ning every moment to the Spirit's call.
Resting in my Savior as my All in All,
Standing on the promises of God.

And, while I'm on song lyrics, here is part of Glory Baby (a song from my playlist), that again reminds me that God is working, even on the hard days...for our good.
Sweet little baby,
it’s hard to understand it
'cause we’re hurting,
We are hurting.
But there is healing
And we know we’re stronger people
through the growing
And in knowing--
That all things work together for our good.
And God works His purposes just like He said He would...
Just like He said He would!

"No eye has seen, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him." I Corinthians 2:9


Hayley said...

You are in my continued prayers.

Cortni said...

Oh sweet heart aches for you and with you. Words are so inadequate. You are all over my thoughts, my prayers everyday! Love you so much!

jaime s said...

Thank you for continuing to share. It helps us to pray, but that feels so selfish to say. Man, I wish I could take this away and rewrite the story. I can't stop thinking that. I admire your strength, courage, faith, so many other things too!

Just found out last night that a dear friend of mine has a friend in Indiana whose cousin lost a baby at 36 weeks around the same time you lost Chase. My friend read your blog and told her friend about it (to see if her cousin would be encouraged by it). Her friend said ABSOLUTELY she was going to share your posts w/ her grieving cousin. I don't know this precious person or where she lives but I wanted to let you know that your words, faith, honestly, vulnerability ARE MAKING AN IMPACT FOR THE LORD'S KINGDOM. Praise the Lord for that!!

You are giving Chase's life yet another BEAUTIFUL purpose!!

Love you!!

Three Two Hold One Lost said...

Oh sweet Chelsea. Like I said in my other comments, we have not met, do not know one another, but our hearts have walked the same journey. Your words of how could one month go so fast, yet seem like a lifetime ago are so how I feel every single day since November 2, 2006. I miss my Micah Rian so much and I pray for you and your girls every night. My daughters and I read your blog and find tears in your hurt but so much bliss in the blessings of your daughters pictures. We pray that God will fill their hearts as they did not get the brother they wanted to hold. Oh, so much to say, but just know I am praying earnestly for you sweet sister in Christ. Angela Gier

Traci said...

I just said a special little prayer for you this morning. I have been reading your blog posts and my heart breaks for you and your longing to hold Chase and train him up, just as you are doing with your precious girls.

I remember blogging honestly about Riley and you always had sweet comments about how that touched you. Well, now you are touching many people who have gone through the same thing and also those who care about you and ache with you.

Please tell Marc to guest blog again sometime! His post was awesome and inspiring! :)

Brandi said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. SSSSOOOOO sorry for your loss.

Amy McCown said...

We are continuing to pray for you and will be lifting up a special prayer for you today.

Newberry said...

Chelsea, thank you so much for sharing your story as you continue to grieve and draw closer to God through your loss of Chase. I continue to think about you and pray for you everyday. What an encouragement to see how you are doing so much good for others through your pain. I also pray that when I face trials in life that I can be as dependent on God as you are. Thank you for your example.

Emily said...

Chelsea, you probably don't know me but I am Matt and Sara's cousin. I just want you to know that I am so inspired by your words and that I think you are so very brave for sharing your thoughts. I am always thinking about your sweet family and praying for your healing. I will especially be in prayer for you today. Thank you for sharing your amazing faith in God in this difficult time. I am in awe of your strength and admire your desire to honor sweet baby Chase through helping those in need.

Michael Ann said...

There hasn't been a day that goes by that I don't stop and think about you and your family and what you are going through. I pray you continue to find peace and God's loving hands holding you tight through this. You have increased my faith by the way that you have responded to this tragedy.

I wanted to tell you too that Wade and I both read "Same Kind of Different As Me" last Spring and it really impacted us as well. I recommend that book to everyone now. Another follow-up read to highlight the "giving/serving" is a little book called The Treasure Principle, by Randy Alcorn. It made me feel guilty, but so worth the read and really puts things into perspective. I thought of that book when I read Mark's entry, which I loved. You guys are amazing - we will be praying for you daily this week. Love to you guys!

Rebekah said...

Sweet Chelsea - I wish I could describe to you how my heart swells with love each time I read your words. Love for you, love for Mark, love for your girls, love for Chase, love for my children. You have had so much influence on me since I began reading your blog a few year ago. Lately that influence has grown so strong. I find myself in situations with my kids thinking, now what would Chelsea would Chelsea handle this? I strive to have even a small portion of your patience, graciousness, and love. I can't thank you enough for opening up your soul to all of us readers!

minnerdee said...

Sweet Chels, your descriptions of your heart's feelings are so honest and real that they are palpable to those who read them. You bless me with your sweet spirit and honesty! As your father, I would like nothing more than to take away the emptiness and heartache that you feel but know I can't. It makes my heart soar to know that you have a Father who can and does and that you continue to know Him so much better through this life experience. It really is all about learning to let go and learn to let Him be God. I love you!

Ashley said...

Praying for you sweet friend. Thank you for sharing and let us into your private world. I do pray it is healing for you. God uses you in beautiful ways, Chels

Jennie said...

I pray that there is healing in "exposing" yourself and your grief. I know that as you share your heart, there are others that are reading and being healed and encouraged and possibly even led closer to Christ. So, keep sharing, sweet cousin. And as always, you, Mark, the girls, and the whole family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Laura Scott said...

Still praying for you.

MeMaw and GePaw Fincher said...

Sweet one,
We continue to stand with you on those promises. Please know our thoughts and prayers remain constant as well.
love you
Aunt Sherry

Paige said...

Chelsea- My heart hurts for you today- knowing exactly how it feels. I can tell you that your faith is amazing and it WILL bring your through your pain. You will remember your sweet Chase everyday (every minute!) but I promise it will get better. In the early days after we lost our sweet Tatum I found it was in the moments that I lease expected it that I would just lose it. Like watching a couple buy diapers in front of me in Sam's or looking at a pregnant woman or newborn. Then the times that I had prayed and prepared for were often not as hard. I am still praying for your peace and comfort during this time - and the testimony that you are sharing through the loss of your precious boy-

Mary said...

I received your blog link from Rachel Cooke, and have been reading for about 4 weeks now. Unfortunetly, your post resounds with a truth my heart can understand. On Oct. 15th, three days after her birth, my daughter went to be with the Lord as well.
Grief is a funny, frustrating thing, I know. I completely agree that every day, every hour, every second is different. That you never can expect one feeling from the next.
My friend who lost her baby last year reminds me daily that God gives grace ONLY for today. Live in today, and there will be grace to cover it, I promise, and so does He.
Sorry to share in this experience with you, it is a club of women I never thought or wanted to be a part of.

~Mary Young
(read our story on

Shanta said...

Chelsea, I'm still reveling over those beautiful feet...

Belcher Family said...

Bless you Chelsea and family. We are praying and will continue praying. Thank you for the specific prayer requests. You can be sure they will be lifted up. We love y'all! Nic, Ashley and Julianna Belcher

Kristen OQ said...

Thanks for always sharing your heart. We are still in constant prayer for you, Mark, and your girls. I will be lifting you up each day of the week.

cindy said...

Chelsea - we do not know each other, but I know Ron & Lou because we go to the same church. I just wanted you to know that you and your sweet family have been in our continued prayers. Your un-waivering faith in God is inspiring and humbling. Your words really put things into perspective in my life, and although I wish you didn't have to go through what you went through (and are STILL going through), I want you to know that you are an example I want to follow. You are an amazing woman and mother! God bless you!

Tanya D said...

Our mutual friend Amy passed me along to your blog after hearing that I lost my baby. I just wanted to thank you for all your helpful words.