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Friday, October 23, 2009

Things that make me happy...

First, let me thank my very cute guest blogger. :) I can't even tell you how many times he has started a blog entry in the last three weeks only to delete it. I know the feeling. Words aren't enough sometimes. I'm so thankful for your passion, Mark, and I literally wait in expectation to see what the Lord is planning to do with it. Come back anytime and write a while. :)

So, I've been thinking of sharing some things that are making me happy right now, starting with the somewhat superficial...

1) Coffee. For over three weeks, I've had one of these almost every single day.

I'm not even a huge coffee drinker, but the comfort of a Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Latte is now officially an addiction. And it's even better when I get to have a piece of their pumpkin bread with it. And, no, the calories DO NOT count. :)

On the fifth or sixth day in a row of asking Mark to please get it for me and quickly (I was sobbing at the time), I said "I'm sorry, I don't know why it makes me feel better. I know it costs way too much to do this every day." His response was "If this makes you feel better, you can have one every day for as long as you need it." I think he might be regretting that comment, now that we're adding Starbucks into the monthly budget. :) The "Cinnamon Chelsea Latte" , as I have named it, has been held in my hand during many a comforting conversation with friends, at home late at night with my husband, or all alone as I talk things over with my God. So, in some weird way, it is just a peaceful drink for me. Uh oh. I'm kind of needing one as I type!

2) Fall.
Fall has always been my favorite season, and ironically, the girls and I always decorate on October 1st. This year, I spent that day in the hospital, and really thought we would skip the decorations all together this year. I just wasn't feeling the love for my favorite season. But, at the girls' insistence, we did decorate last week. And, even as I was unloading the orange storage boxes, my heart got heavier instead of first. But, now, our house is adorned with fall colors and the familiar decorations of years past, the weather is cooling, and I find comfort in it.

3) Chase Utley.
I'm not a huge baseball fan, but I have been actually watching this last week. Partly because the Dodgers have been in the playoffs (Mark's favorite team his WHOLE life), and partly because I've been watching Chase Utley. This was the first person Mark thought of when I read the name "Chase" from the baby name book and he was the reason Mark was convinced that this would be a good name for our son. He was MVP, which meant our son would be guaranteed to be good at baseball too. And, even though I knew nothing of him then, I now get excited every time Chase is up to bat. :) Even though he beat the Dodgers this last week, which was NOT a good thing in our house. But, I told Mark that it shouldn't be as sad because they were beat by Chase's name sake. He {kind of} agreed.

4) Music. I am GREATLY enjoying my music right now. Not surprising, since songs are the best therapy and one of my favorite ways to worship. A few are included on the playlist here on my blog, but many of them are newly discovered favorites that I have already worn out on my iPod. This morning, I listened to Selah for hours and the tears did flow. However, they weren't sad tears. They were tears of praise for a God who was the same God before our loss, but who feels so much closer to me now. If you don't already listen to Selah, Chris Tomlin, Nichole Nordeman (you know I had to throw her in there), David Crowder Band, or, a new favorite, Kari Jobe (thanks Cortni for that new addition!)....go download some. There is nothing like the way a song can speak to your heart and say the words that you couldn't quite think of...

5) Thoughtful gifts. I could do a really long blog JUST about the thoughtful gifts we've received. A sweet, tiny oak tree waiting to grow big and strong for years to come. Donations to children's homes and children's hospitals. Donations to Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. All done in honor of Chase, to help others. Beautiful plants and flowers. Delicious comfort food. A cd of wonderful music. The girls have received so many thoughtful things from their friends, including their own flowers, cards, and care packages. I have received very special jewelry that will forever remind me of my son. We've received financial gifts that will help us build memories of Chase both inside and outside our home. And, just this week, we got this little guy:
I can not BELIEVE that Willow Tree decided to make a figurine JUST for us. :) Seriously. It could not be more perfect. A little boy, holding a balloon that says "hope". The phrase attached to the box was "Hope Lifts Us Up". Amen!! Thank you Dad and Kay. This little boy is sitting happily in our living room, and makes us smile.

6) My Blessing Ring. Another one of God's amazing gifts to us during this time has been abundant amounts of encouragement, especially through stacks of handwritten cards. To say we re-read them often is an understatement. I have come to know whose card is whose just from the outside cover...that's how often I pore over the words you have all shared with us.

What I also love about my cards, is the sweet way they are displayed, thanks to Steph, Nicole, and company. :) Thank you for being blog-browsers in the early days of our loss to find the perfect gifts for our family. We love our blessing ring, as a place to keep all the cards that truly remind us of just that: We are blessed. (And, this isn't even ALL the cards. I have to get a second ring because the first one weighs too much!!)

7) The laptop. As in, Mark's laptop...I've been using it ALOT . As I spend more time blogging, checking emails from friends, and searching for a few things I'm needing right now, I'm also realizing how nice it is to have a portable computer while I sit on the couch, lay in the bed, or sit outside in the sunshine, as I'm doing right now! Too bad he has to use it for work all day, and only shares at night! We're getting one for me very soon maybe this weekend. :) Our big old fashioned home computer is going bye bye, and not a moment too soon. The poor thing has been with us a long time and is just tired out.

8) Chase's Room. Sometimes I think it's strange that I like his room as much as I do. I thought it would be a hard place to see after he was gone. But, I love being in there. I love being as close as I can be to where he would have lived in our house. I love seeing what we bought for him and I love the colors of his room. It is a peaceful place to me. Not that I haven't cried buckets of tears in that room. But, it's still a wonderful place.

With that said, I'm not sure how long we'll leave it. At what point does it become "crazy"? Right now, it feels like it should stay like it is forever. I'm sure there will be a point where the room will change...either from necessity, or because we're finally able to do it. But, for now, that's hard to imagine. We all still call it "Chase's room", even the girls. The other day, Abby Kate took a bath in his bathroom, and when Kendyll asked Carlie where Abby Kate was, Carlie said "In Chase's bathroom". I smiled. :)

There is still a laundry basket full of unfinished projects I was working on for his room. It is in my closet floor and I don't really know why. There was artwork I was doing for his walls that are still in the garage floor. I feel a little bit paralyzed on those things. I don't know what to do now. So, instead of making decisions, I just keep it all right where it is. I'm sure when it's time, it will come to me...

9) Chase's Corner. I love that area, and find myself catching glimpses of it out my windows. I will love it even more when we have finished it. :) We're still looking for the right birdbath (Erica, I DO want your website!), brightly painted ceramic pots, and especially for a handpainted memory plaque/tile/stone of some kind. If you know someone who can do a happy, childlike, custom stone for us, please let me know! The other day, I loved watching the girls play in his garden, sitting on the bench talking, and closely inspecting the flowers they planted. (And, yes, they were in their PJ's all day.)

10) Feet. Many of you know I'm not really a "feet" person. But, the thing I'm loving the most of all these days, are these feet:
Is there anything in the world more precious? I miss kissing those toes so much it hurts. But, as I've said before, we're so grateful to at least have the beautiful pictures of his sweet, precious, perfect feet. I'd prefer the real thing...but they're so real I could touch them when I look at these pictures...and I do everyday. :)

I can't wait to share more of these beautiful pictures with you all. We're just days away from that, friends! Amber...words are not enough. They are beautiful to us.

So, there's 10 things I'm loving right now. Thank you, Lord, for the sweet spots in my days.
"...and the ransomed of the Lord will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting JOY will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away." Isaiah 35:10


Lori said...

I'll start this with the you don't know me but.... We have many mutual friends at Prestoncrest. I've been praying for your family since everything happened. My heart hurts for your loss. I just wanted to recommend the song "Held" by Natalie Grant. It still gives me comfort ( and tears) now 5 years after my sister passed.

Julie said...

I am the mom that met your mother in law at McDonalds last week. We live in CH near her. I am honored you would share those precious feet with me and the rest of us. I think feet and eyes tell so much of the stories in our life.. what our eyes see...and the future ahead of us..and feet...where we have been. I have 2 feet pictures of my entire family in our house. If you have not done that, you need to! i also have a foot of my youngest on my cell phone screen saver. Chase's feet show that sweet wrinkle..of being protected from the world. All bundled up. Never being tainted by the thorns on this precious and pure his feet are and will stay.

AshleyEbrom said...


What a beautiful list. :-) I love fall too (hance the fall wedding :-)). I find myself coming to your blog lately, wondering what you'll be sharing about your sweet boy. And truthfully, I've been waiting (sometimes impatiently) to see those feet. They really ARE beautiful. I'm reminded of the song, "How Beautiful." 'How beautiful the feet that bring the sound of Good News and the love of the King.' I know that sounds a little strange, but I just can't help but be amazed at the impact sweet Chase has had. How many people have seen the true love of our King through what the world would say was a hopless situation. I know that it's changed my heart. My continued prayers are with you.

Maxcey said...

I've been thinking and praying for your family the last few days. I stumbled upon your blog last night while browsing through some others. The faith that you have in our God makes me want to have a closer relationship with him. Thank you for sharing your story and your strong faith! My heart goes out to you and your family!

Rebekah said...

Chelsea those are the most precious feet I have ever seen. Thank you for sharing.
Love, Becky

Kelly said...

Makes me happy to see things that make you happy! :)

Erica said...

Sweet Chelsea,
You continue to be at the forefront of my mind daily. The birdbath we chose was the Somerset Solar Powered Birdbath that I ordered from There are several solar powered ones on their site like the Blenheim 2-tier solar powered bird bath which looks very pretty. I would order you one and have it sent to you but I know it is a very personal choice for your family due to the special place it will hold.

Love those precious feet that you so graciously shared with us. Also if coffee from Starbucks makes you happy then go for it;-) Love you!

Stephanie said...

Hi Friend,
Reading your blog makes me happy! I miss you and love keeping up with you and your family! I know I'll see you soon, though!

You know that Fall is my favorite season too! I love it! I love decorating, colorful leaves, and pumpkins!!

OK, Chase's sweet feet are so precious! Amber did a super job with those pictures! What a blessing to have those photos of your sweet Chase. I can't wait to see more of them!

You continue to amaze and inspire me, dear friend. I love you!

erinlo said...

Chelsea, There is so so much I have wanted to say, so many times I have wanted to comment, and just been at an utter loss for words. First, our family has been grieving with you- in Canada. Our blood family and our church family. Our ladies' class prayed for you just yesterday! So, add Calgary, Alberta, Canada to the list of masses that love the Jacobs family!

Second, I feel the Spirit moving in me when I read you and Mark's posts about doing something meaningful to help with what is going on in our world. At the moment, I am at a loss. But, I believe that the Lord is using your "megaphone" to reach people. Please keep talking about it. Keep writing about it. I am hoping that what the Lord is calling our family to do will become more clear.

Third, you amaze me. And I simply adore Chase's feet. Beautiful.

Love, Erin (Sheppard) Lonard

Jodi said...

You probably do not know me, but we were at ACU together for a year or two. But through mutual friends we have at Prestoncrest, I have found your blog. I just sat here and through precious tears read everyword you've written. And I feel so honored to have done so! Your grace and faith and spirit-filled living SHINE through your words, and I thank you for them. I'll be frank: I'm a special-needs Mom who has had a rough week. Rough time wondering where God is in all of this. And your words gave me such strength for today.... I thank you for that.

But I am so so so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story and your Chase with all of us. May you find blessings of unmeasureable worth this day!
Jodi (Gray)

annalee said...

thankful for each of those things that bring a smile to your face!

Brooks Inc. said...

Chelsea- I have sat here in front of my computer everyday and stared at Chase's feet and asked the Lord for words to describe the preciousness of those pictures...I still do not have any.

Looking at those tiny feet touches something down deep inside of me...and I love Chase more...and I love you and your dear family more...and in the very sweetest way I love our Lord, the Creator of those precious feet, the designer of every line on those precious soles even more. I sit here and imagine Him drawing Chase's footprint, making it unique and knowing that someday many would look at, stare at those feet and see yet again His glory revealed...The Lord is magnified through your son. Chase proclaims Jesus even now.

I am so thankful to read every one of your words, they bless me so. I am so thankful for your and Mark's on-going testimony...I know you all's words are from the Lord...they are life giving...

Love you so-


Summer said...

Hi Chelsea,
I don't know you but my husband and I atteneded Prestoncrest from 2000-2002 and I remeber you a little bit. I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for your family, as is my prayer group at Memorial Road church in Edmond, Oklahoma. You are on our hearts. Your family's faith and perserverence have inspired me.

I just wanted you to know...

Mary said...

I think finding comfort in something is not silly at all. Since my daughter died, I am addicted to Nestle Tollhouse cookies. And you are right, it seems silly, but there is comfort in things like special coffee or cookies. I too find that I need them desperately, especially when I am really upset or grieving.

And I too understand the music addiction as well. I have been posting on my blog all the songs that have been touching me lately. It is amazing how the combintation of the right words with the right notes just hits a special spot in your heart and expresses things you never could say.

And lastly, don't feel bad about leaving the room and the projects undone. Advice from my friend has proved helpful for us...put your special things, her things, away in a special place (or box) (or have someone else do it) and return to them when the wound is not so raw. Right now, grief is too paralizying to deal with those things.

You are in my prayers.

Mary Young