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Monday, October 12, 2009

Celebrating Baby Chase!

(Side note: New updates and pictures have been added to "Our Story" in the post below this one!)
I've been looking forward to doing this entry, because the pictures alone make me smile and bring back such a warm and happy feeling in my heart. (Thank you Cassie & Kylie for being the photographers!)

Even though there was still sadness, and some tears, the day of Chase's celebration was peaceful, the sun was shining, and we spent the time surrounded by our family, while still constantly receiving the thoughts and prayers of many, many friends across the country.

When we were suddenly faced with the decisions of how to honor our precious baby, I was very certain of what I wanted and did not want. If you know me well, this is surprising, because I don't make decisions easily. Not that this one was easy either. We reviewed countless options, visited various memorial sites, and tried to decide what would be best for our girls, best for us, and most honoring to our sweet boy. Oh, the heartache in making that decision. And, again, our hearts cried out to God for direction and discernment as we took each step.

One way that God helped us decide is by speaking to us directly through Kendyll's words. When we first told her the news, we told her that we would like to have a special area in our backyard that would be a happy place where we could remember Chase. Her exact response was "I just don't want it to be like a funeral." We again told her how happy it would be, and that it would not be like a funeral. And, there we had all we needed to make our final decision.
It wouldn't be a funeral. It would be a childlike celebration for our baby boy.

The girls helped plan many of the details, including what color balloons we would have, what songs we would sing, and how we would design Chase's special garden, now lovingly called "Chase's Corner". Mark and I wrote a letter to Chase, and planned the short celebration ceremony we would have. A very generous landscaping company got the yard completely spruced up, with new flowers planted and flowerbeds turned over. And, my sisters (as I've mentioned) worked hard to make all the little touches that made it personal and sweet. All of our parents and grandparents provided food, drinks, and even the tiniest details that I would have never thought of in my state of mind...plates, cups, ice, everything!

Preparation began that morning and the girls were looking forward to this day. They got dressed in their bright "balloon" colors, and began blowing up balloons, which took some hard work! 100 balloons later, we had a dining room full of bright colors.
Kendyll and Mark hung the girls' art work they made at Grandma's house... ...and Kendyll decorated "Chase's Corner" with the blankets and stuffed animals she had picked out for him the day we found out he was a boy. When I came outside to see her work, she was just sitting there thinking quietly. I love my big sweet girl.
Carlie's contribution was to set out the pinwheels all over the yard, which you can see in this picture. She was very proud and made sure everyone knew she had arranged each one of them!
Cortni and Cassie hanging their cute banner with a very cute name. :)
Here are the Life Scripture frames we sent home with each family member, with his sweet footprints too. My sisters made these, and also made the program pictured here too! I tell you, they were busy little bees!
And, here is their scripture banner that I have referred to before. Also, if you can see it in that picture, they also gave me a sweet frame with the three girls, and my tummy, representing Chase. It now hangs in my house, and I LOVE it!

As it came time to go outside for the celebration, the yard was filled with color. I know these pictures may seem redundant, but they all represent to me the beauty of the day. The sweet chaos of family everywhere...the blessing of many healthy children running around the yard...the beauty found in a rainbow of colored balloons, which represented God's faithful promises to us just as it did to Noah long ago...and the celebration of a life that was too short by our standards, but that was also exactly as God had planned.
We began our service with songs picked by the girls. Grandad led us in "Jesus Loves Me", "Blue Skies and Rainbows", and "God Made the Big Round Sun". Such sweet songs for a sweet baby boy.
Mark shared some thoughts and led us in a prayer of thanksgiving...
I shared Chase's life scripture with our family...
And Pops led us in a prayer of celebration...
Then, it was time to send our balloons up, up, and away! These are some of my favorite pictures, captured by my sister, Cassie...The joy on the faces of everyone is just priceless to me.
After the balloon release, the cousins and kids all helped plant the first of many flowers that will brighten "Chase's Corner" in our yard. We plan to add a birdbath/fountain and a handpainted scripture plaque, as well as seasonal flowers throughout the year. We hope this will be a happy place where our family can always be reminded of the joy Chase has brought us, even in such a short time.
We have also been completely blown away by the number of people who joined us in celebrating Chase's life with balloon releases that day, and many days since! We have tried to get an accurate count of how many honored Chase that day, but we still have not accomplished that task. So far, we have received pictures from places all over Texas, and other states including Oklahoma, Arkansas, Colorado, Utah, California, Hawaii, Louisiana, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, Missouri, and they just keep coming! So, thank you all so much for joining us in honoring our baby boy. It has meant the world to us!

The day after our "Balloons for Chase" day, our neighbor--who didn't know anything yet--stopped us on our walk back from the park to say hello. From the car window, she yelled "Hey, did y'all have a birthday party yesterday? We saw all the balloons!" I tried to nonchalantly walk away with the girls, as the tears began to well up. Mark went to her car window to tell her the news, which made her feel awful. At the time, I was so sad to think that it looked like we were having a birthday party, when it was so far from that. But, now, I think back and realize that--in a way---we were having a birthday party. It was in celebration of a sweet life, and a celebration of a new life that our baby now has in the arms of Jesus.

One scripture that has been special to me was given to us by a good friend, who made a plaque for our home with this written on it. I love that this verse sums up what Chase has received in his new life in heaven, and is the very reason we honor our sweet son with a celebration--because there is much to celebrate!

"You welcomed Chase with rich blessings and placed a crown of pure gold on his head. He asked You for life, and You gave it to him---length of days, for ever and ever. Through the victories You gave, his glory is great; You have bestowed on him splendor and majesty. Surely You have granted him eternal blessings and made him glad with the joy of Your presence." Psalm 21:3-6


Brandi said...

What a beautiful way to celebrate your baby boy!!! Praying for you!!

Jill said...

So beautiful -- so, so beautiful! Before you went private, I would read your blog and think, "That is the kind of mom I want to be!" At the time, we were struggling through infertility. Now, we have a sweet 13 month old baby girl -- praise God! And now, I still read your blog and think, "That is the kind of mom I want to be!" You encourage me in so many ways, especially in my faith. Thank you for being willing to share your story.

*My word verification is 'cohug.' Really, that is what your blog is like -- a hug shared by all. I like that...cohug!

jaime s said...

Chels--again, you continue to amaze!! I haven't made it thru a single post w/o crying but I also don't make it thru w/o receiving much encouragement from your faith. The Lord resides in your heart and the way you honor Him is simply beautiful! Thank you for continuing to share your story with us!

Jamie Kubeczka said...

I ran across your blog and immediately it caught my attention. Your family and girls are beautiful. I wanted to say that I am terribly sorry for your loss and cannot begin to imagine what you are going through. My family is praying for you and will continue too. I think the celebration of your little boy was amazing. May God bless you & your family during this difficult time.

Cassie said...

One of the MANY things I have loved witnessing over these past few weeks is the joy that your heart continues to cling to. I think Chase's celebration was exactly that...and I appreciate so much you envisioning that so we could all take part in it.

Even though I know public praise makes you uncomfortable, you ARE a great mom and I am so, so thankful for your Godly example in all circumstances!

Alyssa said...

Thank you for sharing this beautiful celebration with us. The pictures, the words, the hearts behind the story... they are all so beautiful. I pray that God will continue to give you clarity of thought as you tell your story. Your words amaze and encourage me, Chelsea... and your testimony is uplifting to countless people. Love you!!!!

annalee said...

your story, chase's story, God's story through each of you has touched my heart so deeply. each detail of this celebration is certainly a treasure for your family. prayers and love to you from houston!

Stephanie said...

What a fantastic celebration of Chase! I think it was the perfect way to honor your little boy! I love your post and love the pictures. It made me feel like we were there. You know we were there in thoughts and spirit! I tried to capture some of the same ones at our balloon release, but it was a little difficult with the camera on a tri-pod! Oh well!

I love all of the little (and big) things your precious sisters have done for you. They are so creative and talented, just as you are! You are blessed to have them.

Sweet friend, you continue to amaze me. Your words and thoughts come flowing out so beautifully. Your courage to get out of bed and function encourages me daily. God is truly blessing you in so many ways.

And, let's not leave Mark out!! I know he has been so amazing during this time. He is tender and strong and loving to you and the girls, even through his grief. I know God is is richly blessing him as well.

My faith is strengthened every time I think of you. I'm thinking of you and praying for you each and every day!

Much love to you all!

jouchley said...

Hi, Chelsea-

I got Julie Beth's blog at Homecoming last year and she had pictures of her girls releasing balloons and a link to your story. I just finished reading/crying through it both at your loss and your strength. I admire so much your willingness to let God work through you by chronicling it in this way. I know this is not the same, but we struggled with fertility issues and I could totally identify with the ache you mentioned. We will keep your family in our prayers and ask that the peace that passes all understanding will continue to be with you and Mark and the girls. Love-

Julie (Stringer) Ouchley

Three Two Hold One Lost said...

Chelsea, I am a friend of Paige Pearson and Alyssa O'Rear. God has connected you and I with the loss of our sweet baby boys. Our journeys have different details but we both have a huge loss, amidst a wonderful love of Jesus.Your blog is precious because of your raw heart. I am sick for you.....waited several days before I read your blog that Paige sent me. Words are not coming to me tonight because you put them in your blog....I just cry cause I know your pain ALL of it. Please feel free to get my cell number from A or P. I know the moments that are so big in your heart and mind and yet NO ONE knows they are happening. Love you already, Angela Gier

Brooks Inc. said...

Oh Chelsea-

I have read and re-read all of these posts several times...I grieve with you...and I rejoice with you...and I love the Lord more for reading your words every single time.

I heard yesterday, "In pain and suffering you are handed a megaphone that the world might know what is really in your heart...for one's heart cannot help but cry out..." I listen to you and Mark cry out and I see Jesus lifted up over and over again. I love you both so much!

Know that you are a constant companion to me in my thoughts...and I will not cease in bringing each of you Jacobs before our Father!


Shelle H. said...

What a sweet and special celebration! Thank you for sharing your story with us! We have been praying for you guys and see how God has been in everything! Love you guys!

McFarland Family said...

Hi I am Tammie Sheltons Friend...I wanted to let you know what an amazing way to celebrate such a sweet life. I am praying for and your family.
Lesley McFarland

Andrea said...

What a beautiful celebration for little Chase! Thank you for sharing your story. We continue to keep your family in our prayers.

Three Two Hold One Lost said...

Held, by Natalie Grant is an amazing song about losing your child and how trusting God is the gift of being "held".

Also, "A Baby Changes Everything" by Faith Hill talks about the power of baby Jesus, yet losing my premature son has "changed everything" in our family.

Continued prayers for you, the girls, and your husband. How are you sleeping? I didn't for almost a year....can share that with you if you want to talk.Also, First Baptist Keller is having an evening for moms who have lost a child. It is November 8th and two of my good friends are coordinators. One lost her son at 26 weeks(blood clot)and one lost her daughter at 30 weeks. If interested call Jack Gatewood at the church or me. I will not post again because I in no way want to smother you. You have a strong support system with your family, friends, and the Lord. It takes all of those things to do more than just survive this lost. I always said, "We are going to do more than survive this loss. Micah's life was meant for God's purpose.Chase's life was meant to honor God and his sanctity of life, too.
Angela Gier

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing these pictures and all the events of the day. What a beautiful day! All the colors make everything so bright and joyful. I am so happy God blessed you with a beautiful sunny day to celebrate sweet baby Chase.