I know it can feel heavy to keep reading the thoughts of a mommy in grief. So, I thought maybe I could shake it up a little.
I even have the cute pictures ready to go! The girls and I had a good day yesterday, and I just enjoyed watching them play together, smiling and laughing, and being kids. I have pictures to share of my little "doctor" in training (she treats animals, Barbies, and babies!)...
I have pictures of my puddle jumpers (look at those sweet booted feet!)...
...and my night-time acrobats (Dad, don't you love what else your stage can be used for?).
But, when I got the blog comment today from my sweet friend, Becky, I was reminded that it's okay for me to share more than cute pictures and fun stories if I need to. She said "In pain and suffering, you are handed a megaphone that the world might know what is really in your heart...for one's heart cannot help but cry out." And, it's true that I can't help but share my heart...For once, I have a megaphone and I'm not afraid to use it. :)
So, excuse me, as I grab it once again, and talk a little.
Today has been a very hard day. And, my emotions have once again roller-coastered (I know that's not a word but I'm using it anyway!) up and down. Today, I couldn't even put my finger on what "started it". It was just a gnawing feeling in my stomach that I couldn't shake. I guess that's what they call grief.
Throughout the day, I've been very emotional, wanting Chase's sweet face to be staring back at mine, as we hang out on our little corner of the couch where I've fed my other little two-week olds. I've found myself daydreaming alot today...maybe because it's the two week mark...or maybe just because I haven't done so in a couple of days. But, I am back to those thoughts of his eyes, his cry, his smile...all those details of my son that I don't know enough about. I want to know more of him than I do.
Throughout the day, I've been very emotional, wanting Chase's sweet face to be staring back at mine, as we hang out on our little corner of the couch where I've fed my other little two-week olds. I've found myself daydreaming alot today...maybe because it's the two week mark...or maybe just because I haven't done so in a couple of days. But, I am back to those thoughts of his eyes, his cry, his smile...all those details of my son that I don't know enough about. I want to know more of him than I do.
And, most of the day, I just took notice of myself, as I wondered about what our "new normal" will look like, as so many describe it. It's odd to see yourself as such a different person than you were just a few weeks ago. Of course, my perspective is different. And, so is Mark's. We've talked countless times about how things that mattered before, now just seem so silly. I know that, too, is a normal part of what we're walking through right now. Even looking at lists I had made of "must get these things done" items from the week before we lost Chase...they just seem so silly. All useful things, but none of which matter to me today.
In fact the phrase "must get these things done" describes me well. To say that I am a woman who loves her to "to-do lists" is an understatement (as many of you already know). I usually have at least 3 lists going at a time. I'm a planner, an organizer, and I like being efficient. I suddenly realized today that I haven't written any form of a list in 18 days. That is seriously a lifetime record for me. (Actually, I take that back...I wrote a list for Target a few days ago, but forgot to buy two things off the list and wouldn't have been able to find at least three others if it weren't for me dear friend, Alyssa, who shopped with me and helped me locate things like paper towels and razors...a task that seemed beyond me at the time!)
These days, instead of getting things done or running errands, my days run minute by minute without any real plan. I just spend time straightening my house, doing some laundry, reading ALOT (I'm in the middle of 5 or 6 books plus my Bible, which is a subject for another blog), and playing with my kids. Not much else seems to matter to me right now. It's a weird feeling to have...but I'm realizing I could get used to this "new normal"...and this new perspective.
Except, I could do without the groggy brain I have. Today, I left to pick the girls up at school and forgot my purse at home, and then proceeded to go to our church instead of our school to get the girls! Now, as my husband joked with me, that is a normal thing for him to do. But, it's NOT something I do! I'm never that spacy. I rarely ever forget things. And, I really try hard not to be late anywhere. I prefer to be in control of situations and to have pre-thought anything I am responsible for each day. Instead, I feel like I'm now flying by the seat of my pants (NOT my favorite feeling, usually) and living life hour by hour.
Today when I was talking to God about how I HAVE to figure out how to function normally again on some levels, even if my perspective has changed, His voice spoke right back to me: All I heard was "I'm undoing you." What? Not a word I use often...or ever. He's undoing me. Hmmm. He's right. He's peeling back layers and layers of myself...of my need for control, of my perfectionism, of my efficiency, of my to-do-list-making-mind...all the parts of me that so desperately needed pruning. And, all the parts of me that keep me from His heart. From abiding solely in Him. From needing only Him. Sure, these are things I've always been aware of about myself. And, they were probably things I knew should change. The thing is: I preferred myself that way. I got ALOT done that way. I could schedule in a quiet time quite strategically along with all the other activities and demands of each day, and I'm ashamed to say I felt quite filled by spending that scheduled time with the Lord.
But, for now, I don't "schedule in" my time with God. I don't plan it. I just need it. And, I need it over and over throughout my day. It's changed from a specific part of my day, to just my whole day. I need His presence while I'm wiping the kitchen counter. I need His strength when I'm folding my laundry. I need His comfort when I'm putting the girls to bed. I need His word when I wake up and when I lie down. I'm watching myself--even in two weeks--change daily more into what He wants me to be and into what He knows I need to be. Centered on Him, focused on Him...and not on my agenda, my plans, myself.
He's undoing me. And, that is a good thing. As I told my friend, Sara, the other day...as much as I grieve over all that has happened, and long so deeply to hold my baby boy, I don't want these changes to go away. I don't want to go back to my "normal". I want the Lord to continue to change my heart to look more like His, and for Him to keep gently leading me into a closer and more constant walk with Him.
Okay, I'm putting the megaphone down (for now). Thanks for listening...again. :)
I'll leave you with a song that is a part of my playlist below. It's Ginny Owens, and it speaks straight to my heart. Thank you, Jodi, for reminding me of the greatness of this song in the first 24 hours of my pain. What's ironic is that it was already one of my favorite songs by Ginny. Now, it speaks even louder to me. :)
"If You Want Me To"
The pathway is broken, and the signs are unclear.
And I don't know the reason why You brought me here.
But just because You love me the way that You do,
I'm gonna walk through the valley if you want me to.
'Cause I'm not who I was, when I took my first step.
And I'm clinging to the promise, You're not through with me yet.
So if all of these trials bring me closer to You,
Then I will go through the fire, if You want me to.
It may not be the way I would have chosen,
As You lead me through a world that's not my home,
But You never said it would be easy,
You only said I'd never go alone.
So when the whole world turns against me, and I'm all by myself.
And, I can't hear You answer my cries for help.
I'll remember the suffering Your love put You through,
And I will go through the valley, if You want me to.
My heart still aches so deeply for you and your family. Please know that you are constantly prayed for here at our home. You still continue to inspire! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Oh, the memories I have of those lists. :) I had to chuckle out loud.
There's something so freeing about being broken by the Lord so badly that you need him. That's what he wants for all of us is to realize that we absolutely cannot function without HIM. I was talking to Candice tonight about something unrelated, and she said "you're following the Spirit, and he's rewarding you and taking care of you". I would say the same in your situation. You're allowing the spirit to move in your life, as hard as it may be, and those pictures are sweet rewards from the Lord~those moments with your girls and the laughter they are providing you with.
Love you so much.
Please pick up your megaphone as often as you like...we all find ourselves richer when you do.
So much love.
Words cannot express what I feel in my heart for you and your precious family. I am awestruck at your daily courage. I know that God is giving you the strength and stamina. I have been praying daily for you and will continue to do so. Thank you for sharing your words of encouragement with all of us. You give us all encouragement in our shared faith and walk with the Lord. Thank you for allowing God to shine His light brightly through you. I pray that we can all be an encouragement back to you. I know that thousands are praying for you and Mark and the girls. I know that sweet Chase is in paradise with our Father and that we will all be together again some day. May God continue to comfort you in ways that only He can, ways that are perfect and completely of love. You are a precious, precious momma and are loved by so many. I am excited with you that God is molding you to be more like Him. God is good and will continue to bless you in countless ways. The way your family celebrated Chase's sweet life is incredible. Such love and thankfulness is from God.
"I remember my affliction and my wandering,
the bitterness and the gall.
I well remember them,
and my soul is downcast within me.
Yet this I call to mind
and therefore I have hope:
Because of the Lord's great love
we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, 'The Lord is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.'"
Lamentations 3:19-24
God, comfort Chelsea, Mark and their sweet girls during this most difficult and painful time. Surprise them with the ways only You can love them. Reveal your compassion through people daily and help us to all be an encouragement to them. Amen.
Kristen (Sabo) Martin
Ches, I am so glad that my deep and thorough knowledge of the Target aisles was of some use to you :). Wondering around with my precious friend was so wonderful for me. Instead of helping you find razors, I sure wish that I could take some of your grief from your heart and carry it for you. I'm with everyone else...anytime the words of your heart are given a megaphone-it blesses all of us. Love you!
I'm w/ Candice, grab that megaphone, sister!! Wow!! Words that describe my own heart's desire. Once again, the Lord in you is just too beautiful, precious, perfect for words!
Thank you!
and the pics of your adorable girls are a gift as well!
Chelsea I have been thinking of you many times a day and lifting you up in prayer. I am so thankful to be able to read your blog again for many reasons. You are just a beautiful person-inside and out. It is just beyond amazing to know how The Lord is working in you and please know as well THROUGH you. What an incredible mother you are, that example has left a big impact on me. Thank you for using your megaphone and exposing your heart.
Wow - that song brought tears to my eyes! What beautiful words. I just wish I could give you a huge hug right now and take away your grief and your sorrow. Thank you so much for continuing to share your heart with us. As we continue to pray for you, it helps to know what your struggles are at the moment so that we can pray for healing.
Your faith is amazing and such an inspiration to so many. You definitely inspire me to humble myself before the Lord and let him work on "undoing" me. I'm right there with you on the control/lists ... as you know. Thank you for sharing your heart, please do so every single time you feel the urge - because it just might be God doing the urging. Your words are a blessing! Love you!
I continue to be touched so deeply by your outpouring of insight and wisdom ... and the courage to continue to talk about it this way. I love you.
Ron V
I met your mother in law and Sofie and Ty at McDonalds today. I had all my kids playing and eating as we visited. She is so kind...so much that she shared your story with me. I want you to know that I will pray for you. As a mom and her family. I am sure you have helped so many people already and have no idea the impact you will have in the years to come. Your family is precious and your descriptions of your son and holding him and loving him describe him far better then any picture ever could. I can picture him and I don't even know you all! Anyway, I am blessed to have met some of your family and find they live just streets away from me. He is with you...holding your hand...wiping your tears...giving you strength. Even when you don't know you need it...and even when you don't think you have it. God has Blessed your family and you are obviously a blessing to others.
Julie Sparks
that song has always been one of my favorites too, but now each word seems even stronger than ever for your precious family. i'm so glad you are using your megaphone to God's glory everyday! still praying and thinking of y'all often.
pick up and use that megaphone anytime you want. your words are speaking volumes to many of us. countless people are being affected by your story. i appreciate you sharing it with us. i work with your sweet sister cortni and i feel like i know your family. i love the picture of you and mark and the girls with the balloons. it's beautiful and reflects so much of your love even while you were suffering. i know you have heard this song by the David Chowder band, but i have loved it for a while and it has helped me through some difficult times.
All I can say
Lord I'm tired
So tired from walking
And Lord I'm so alone
And Lord the dark
Is creeping in
Creeping up
To swallow me
I think I'll stop
Rest here a while
And didn't You see me cry'n?
And didn't You hear me call Your name?
Wasn't it You I gave my heart to?
I wish You'd remember
Where you sat it down
And this is all that I can say right now
And this is all that I can give
I didn't notice You were standing here
I didn't know that
That was You holding me
I didn't notice You were cry'n too
I didn't know that
That was You washing my feet
much love and prayers,
I wanted to share with you what an encouragement you have been to me through your words (which are guided by the Lord). I long to have the closeness with Him again and your words remind me how important it is to strip off the meaningless things and be thankful of our blessings. Please don't put down your megaphone because your strength is powerful!
I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that you have been in my thoughts and prayers. I heard this song and thought of you.... Footprints In the Sand by Leona Lewis.
Chels, I love this post. I LOVE how the Lord spoke to you about being "undone." Oh my goodness! How beautiful. I love you and am lifting you up and asking the Lord to give you exactly what you need. Love you
The Lord is using you in mighty ways, my friend. Speaking for myself, and probbaly so many others, these words are piercing hearts as to what He desires for us. My heart still hurts for your family and the pain that has brought you here. And somehow, He is faithful to show His goodness. Use that megaphone as often as you need! :)
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