So, back to what I was saying, two months ago. :)
We had quite the visit to Noel.
And, we had quite the emotional highs and lows.
What I love is that God always meets you where you are. Especially in the lows.
I would say my conversation with Him over these three days could be described as a constant begging. Every few minutes, I just uttered the words again to Him: Show us what we can do RIGHT NOW that can change these kids' lives for eternity!!
You see, we've learned already in the months we've been doing this work that there are a whole lot of ways to help, but not every way is helpful. So, I prayed and begged God to show us. We knew He hadn't called us to this place, just to watch it fall apart.
So, I was talking through this (okay, crying through it might be a better description) with my {amazing, inspiring} friend, Tara, who lives and works at Noel. As we talked, the issue of school came up again.
We had talked about it so many times before. WHY did it feel so overwhelming and hard to figure out how to get these kids the education they deserve?
This was when one of those moments happened. Those moments that seem so little and nonchalant, but one hour later you realize that it was HUGE and God-sized and lasting and life-changing. And, then one month later, you can't even write about it, because you realize God is turning kids' worlds upside down right in front of your eyes.
We were standing in Tara's living room, while sewing school was in full force. We were talking with Claver (who by the way, lives with us now. Here's a pic of our new family. Yeah, I'll blog about that soon too. You believe me, right?)
Anyway, we're discussing how quality education {+ Jesus in their hearts} can bless the socks off of these kids, and change their course of life forever. {Because in the midst of all they deal with on a daily basis...wondering if they'll get enough food, wondering if they'll be reunified with family who isn't capable of taking care of them, wondering if God really does love them like He says...they also have NO one encouraging them to do well in school. Instead, they walk for miles there and back, only to receive no lunch, and no "welcome home" at the end of a hard day. Please tell me WHY these kids would be motivated to succeed?}
So, we're just chatting about it, wishing we could change something. When Claver says, "All of this is possible. They can go to boarding school, and His Chase can send them. It is easy." Well, Claver, sweet friend, that sounds good and all, but nothing is easy here. There are quite a few hoops to jump through to make this happen, right? "No. It is possible. Next week."
And, by golly, it was possible.
We left town the next day with a whole new plan than when we drove in two days before.
Claver and Tara, with God's amazing help and direction, and the permission of Madame Director and the orphanage, enrolled dozens of kids in 3 different schools within the next week. Schools where these students live among other students their ages, who didn't grow up in an orphanage. Schools that teach a love for Jesus. Schools where these students get fed three meals a day, have a bed to call their own, and are challenged to do more and learn more and be more.
Then, within two days of enrolling them, supplies were purchased. And, I don't mean pencils and glue sticks.
I mean mattresses. And soap. And buckets. And towels. And shoes. And clothes. And school supplies. And EVERYTHING else you can imagine to transport a student from one place to another to live. {By the way, this is not done at Target. Shopping in Africa is a whole different ballgame.}
I still stand in awe of my sweet friends who worked their tails off to make this happen in time for the new school semester to begin. It was crazy and exhausting work.
As Claver just told me yesterday, "the orphanage and the children did not believe this would happen. Not until we bought towels, mattresses, and supplies. Then, they said "Eh? Maybe this is possible?" :) I love how God works.
He makes ALL THINGS possible.
In April, 68 children loaded up on buses, to move to their new schools. And, not just any schools. Some really, really GOOD schools who have taken GREAT care of these students.
What's even cooler than that?
We simply emailed a few people {okay, over a hundred} who had given to His Chase before, asking for a little help for these kids, as we committed the funds for their first trimester and stepped out in faith. And, within hours, people were responding to the need and sponsoring these kids.
One trimester has now been completed. And fully funded. And, so many God stories have happened, I couldn't even share them here if I tried.
The students just returned for their second trimester last week. Lucky for us, we have Claver sitting on our living room couch this time around, and that in itself is a gift from God. This was quite a busy week getting everyone settled, dealing with school fees, supplies, and the rest. But, we have the utmost confidence in God's plans for these kids. And, we love watching Him do His thing.
I mean, really. WHY does He let little emotional me join Him in this big crazy "chase" He is on for these orphaned children's hearts? I'm so honored and humbled and blown away by what He does.
And, right there, in the middle of my overwhelmed sadness, He says "Don't worry, Chels. I got this. Again."
And, then He puts Claver in place (who rocks the boarding school communication and database).
And Tara in place (who rocks the supply purchasing and organization and phone chatting with me).
And Jane in place (who now serves--and, of course, rocks--as our in-country help for transporting kids, visiting kids, and coordinating payments of schools.}
And Brittany in place {who rocked it as our His Chase photographer of the students!}.
We are so thankful. And we are so thrilled.
I mean, look at these cuties. Their smiles say it all.
What's that you say?
You wish you could be a part of their lives?
Oh, you CAN. I'm so glad you asked.
We need you like never before. It's a somewhat scary thing to say YES to God when what He's asking is growing bigger every day. We have increased our numbers to over 100 students in highschool and university level since April. And, more kids are waiting to go to school next term. We have more financial commitments to these kids than ever before.
And, we now have 104 students enrolled who LONG to have someone they know is praying for them. Someone who cares about the grade they got in English or History. Someone who knows their face and name and calls them "special" or "smart" or "loved".
So, whether it be through financial support, or as a penpal or prayer warrior, PLEASE join Operation Education. It will make an impact forever on these kids.
And, it will prove, once again, that satan has no hold here. Because God is doing His thing. And, entire generations of orphans in Rwanda are receiving new hope and new life and new opportunities. PRAISE GOD!!!
Just visit our new His Chase blog HERE to get involved! We'd love to partner with you to change the world for these students!!
We had quite the visit to Noel.
And, we had quite the emotional highs and lows.
What I love is that God always meets you where you are. Especially in the lows.
I would say my conversation with Him over these three days could be described as a constant begging. Every few minutes, I just uttered the words again to Him: Show us what we can do RIGHT NOW that can change these kids' lives for eternity!!
You see, we've learned already in the months we've been doing this work that there are a whole lot of ways to help, but not every way is helpful. So, I prayed and begged God to show us. We knew He hadn't called us to this place, just to watch it fall apart.
So, I was talking through this (okay, crying through it might be a better description) with my {amazing, inspiring} friend, Tara, who lives and works at Noel. As we talked, the issue of school came up again.
We had talked about it so many times before. WHY did it feel so overwhelming and hard to figure out how to get these kids the education they deserve?
This was when one of those moments happened. Those moments that seem so little and nonchalant, but one hour later you realize that it was HUGE and God-sized and lasting and life-changing. And, then one month later, you can't even write about it, because you realize God is turning kids' worlds upside down right in front of your eyes.
Anyway, we're discussing how quality education {+ Jesus in their hearts} can bless the socks off of these kids, and change their course of life forever. {Because in the midst of all they deal with on a daily basis...wondering if they'll get enough food, wondering if they'll be reunified with family who isn't capable of taking care of them, wondering if God really does love them like He says...they also have NO one encouraging them to do well in school. Instead, they walk for miles there and back, only to receive no lunch, and no "welcome home" at the end of a hard day. Please tell me WHY these kids would be motivated to succeed?}
So, we're just chatting about it, wishing we could change something. When Claver says, "All of this is possible. They can go to boarding school, and His Chase can send them. It is easy." Well, Claver, sweet friend, that sounds good and all, but nothing is easy here. There are quite a few hoops to jump through to make this happen, right? "No. It is possible. Next week."
And, by golly, it was possible.
We left town the next day with a whole new plan than when we drove in two days before.
Claver and Tara, with God's amazing help and direction, and the permission of Madame Director and the orphanage, enrolled dozens of kids in 3 different schools within the next week. Schools where these students live among other students their ages, who didn't grow up in an orphanage. Schools that teach a love for Jesus. Schools where these students get fed three meals a day, have a bed to call their own, and are challenged to do more and learn more and be more.
Then, within two days of enrolling them, supplies were purchased. And, I don't mean pencils and glue sticks.
I mean mattresses. And soap. And buckets. And towels. And shoes. And clothes. And school supplies. And EVERYTHING else you can imagine to transport a student from one place to another to live. {By the way, this is not done at Target. Shopping in Africa is a whole different ballgame.}
I still stand in awe of my sweet friends who worked their tails off to make this happen in time for the new school semester to begin. It was crazy and exhausting work.
As Claver just told me yesterday, "the orphanage and the children did not believe this would happen. Not until we bought towels, mattresses, and supplies. Then, they said "Eh? Maybe this is possible?" :) I love how God works.
He makes ALL THINGS possible.
In April, 68 children loaded up on buses, to move to their new schools. And, not just any schools. Some really, really GOOD schools who have taken GREAT care of these students.
What's even cooler than that?
We simply emailed a few people {okay, over a hundred} who had given to His Chase before, asking for a little help for these kids, as we committed the funds for their first trimester and stepped out in faith. And, within hours, people were responding to the need and sponsoring these kids.
One trimester has now been completed. And fully funded. And, so many God stories have happened, I couldn't even share them here if I tried.
The students just returned for their second trimester last week. Lucky for us, we have Claver sitting on our living room couch this time around, and that in itself is a gift from God. This was quite a busy week getting everyone settled, dealing with school fees, supplies, and the rest. But, we have the utmost confidence in God's plans for these kids. And, we love watching Him do His thing.
I mean, really. WHY does He let little emotional me join Him in this big crazy "chase" He is on for these orphaned children's hearts? I'm so honored and humbled and blown away by what He does.
And, right there, in the middle of my overwhelmed sadness, He says "Don't worry, Chels. I got this. Again."
And Tara in place (who rocks the supply purchasing and organization and phone chatting with me).
And Jane in place (who now serves--and, of course, rocks--as our in-country help for transporting kids, visiting kids, and coordinating payments of schools.}
And Brittany in place {who rocked it as our His Chase photographer of the students!}.
And donors in place.
And they each play a part in getting Operation Education off the ground.
We are so thankful. And we are so thrilled.
I mean, look at these cuties. Their smiles say it all.
What's that you say?
You wish you could be a part of their lives?
Oh, you CAN. I'm so glad you asked.
We need you like never before. It's a somewhat scary thing to say YES to God when what He's asking is growing bigger every day. We have increased our numbers to over 100 students in highschool and university level since April. And, more kids are waiting to go to school next term. We have more financial commitments to these kids than ever before.
And, we now have 104 students enrolled who LONG to have someone they know is praying for them. Someone who cares about the grade they got in English or History. Someone who knows their face and name and calls them "special" or "smart" or "loved".
So, whether it be through financial support, or as a penpal or prayer warrior, PLEASE join Operation Education. It will make an impact forever on these kids.
And, it will prove, once again, that satan has no hold here. Because God is doing His thing. And, entire generations of orphans in Rwanda are receiving new hope and new life and new opportunities. PRAISE GOD!!!
Just visit our new His Chase blog HERE to get involved! We'd love to partner with you to change the world for these students!!
Wow, wow, wow! So excited to see a new blogpost from you and what a post! This is exciting stuff! I need to pray about this. Thanks for sharing! Kelly
love this post. It's so great to see pictures and put faces with the stories. You guys are doing great things!
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