...and toys are their words.
That quote is from my days of grad school. And, it's one I've thought of often through the years of being a mommy, a teacher, and a caretaker of children in different ways.
It's true. The primary way that children communicate their thoughts, feelings, or fears, is through their play. They learn how things work, who they are, and what life is like, as they play. They learn how to interact with others, and get to dream about life beyond their playroom walls through their play.
So what happens when children don't have that outlet in their lives? They aren't stimulated, they don't grow and develop in the same way, and they don't have a voice for what they feel or think.
Now, America has this wrong in many ways too. We have, once again, gone to the extreme and given too much to our kids. Too many toys, that have too many buttons, and do too much of the "playing" for the kids. It takes away their voice and their development in much the same way, actually.
But, when you're taken back to the basics...and you watch a child play who has really never played before...it is powerful.
And, we saw this quote come to life in new ways while in Rwanda.

They got to explore, and create, and learn.
And, my favorite moments were when I could remember the donors sweet smiles as they gave, reflected on the faces of children at Noel, as they received.
So many friends and family, community groups and church Bible classes helped with the effort of bringing developmental toys to Noel, and we are so thankful!
Claire is one of those donors who I wished could have been there to see the smiles and the LIFE her toys brought.
Instead of asking for gifts or receving the trip her grandparents had already promised for her thirteenth birthday, she asked for developmental toys and supplies for the children of Noel.
Amy and I got to go shopping with her before we left for Rwanda, and it was SO FUN to see all the things she purchased being used to bless the lives of these kids.

And, these gifts will continue to change their lives, and improve their development forever!

Other items, like these exersaucers, given by another generous donor, are literally changing LIVES, making these sweet babies stronger, physically and emotionally, as they experience their world in whole new ways!
This little boy, Fabrice, had tuberculosis when we were here in January. You can see from the atrophy of his leg muscles that he is weaker than he should be for his age. It is our hope that daily exercise in these little Go-Pods will change his life for the better.

Meeting these developmental needs was one of our very favorite efforts to be a part of, as we watched it bring INSTANT change in the hearts and minds of these little ones.

You could just SEE their face light up as a new toy would challenge their minds and bodies to do things they don't usually get to do. And, over even a week's time, the caretakers were starting to see it too!
We've already had reports since we left that the caretakers are using the toys to facilitate more play time and interaction with the children, and we are just thrilled to hear this news! This is an important change in the lives of these kids, as they grow and develop, and it is vital to their health and happiness too!
Another wonderful opportunity we had was to bring MUSIC to Noel! Carol, who was an amazing part of our team for two weeks, led a sweet music class with the children, where they got to play instruments, follow rhythms, and join in singing.
It was so sweet to watch them respond, and to enjoy playing and learning at the same time!

These drums were one of our very favorite purchases from Lakeshore! They were definitely a "big hit" with the kids too! :)

So, as you can see, we are so very thankful for the way so many of you contributed to this trip. You are changing lives for the better, allowing these children to learn and grow in the way they do best: by PLAYING!! And this is only the beginning of the fun!
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