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Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Can She Be 9?

Tomorrow, my biggest girl turns NINE!
I have alot to blog about for our birthday celebrations, but here is a sneak peek of our family birthday party this week:
A hippy birthday party at the skating rink. :) It was so much fun, and I was surprised at how the roller skating thing came back to me after all this time. And, Kendyll was a pro, of course!
Kendyll got a second celebration the next day with some church friends as they surprised her at her ice skating lessons and joined her for the afternoon!
Even more skating fun!
But, those updates are coming soon...

Right now, I just want to share one special thing about Kendyll from this week that I don't want to forget. As anyone who knows her already sees, she has a sweet, compassionate heart that is growing bigger by the year. She loves deeply, gives freely, and lives joyfully.

And, she really loves Africa. :)

The other morning, she bounces downstairs in her usual early morning cheery mood, and told me she had the coolest dream.

LISTEN TO Kendyll's words.

"We were all in Africa, like the whole Branch (our church) and everyone who goes to Africa on your trips. It was really sad because it was all brown everywhere and there was, like, a famine. Even the waterfall had dried up and everything was dead. Mr. Jaron (our worship leader) was leading everyone in Chris Tomlin's song "God of This City" (see video below) and we were all singing loud. Then, Jaron said "We love you Jesus!" And, as we all started saying it, everything started turning to green! Everything started blooming again and the waterfall started pouring new water out!"

I sat there with my jaw on the ground, as she described new life coming to Africa. And, then I proceeded to tell Kendyll just how AMAZING this dream was! I told her that so often God speaks to us in our dreams, and that I think He just spoke in hers! Oh, how her eyes lit up at the thought. And, so did mine.

And, to know that Kendyll was dreaming about this song! "You're the God of this city, You're the King of these people, You're the Lord of this nation...You're the light in this darkness, You're the hope to the hopeless, You're the peace to the restless. There is no one like our God!"

I haven't shared completely about what God spoke to me on my retreat a couple of weeks ago, but one thing He clearly said to me is that "Chase is a seed planted for My glory. But, he's not the only one. All four of your children are seeds that will be harvested. I have plans for My glory to be revealed in each one in such different and amazing ways. Just watch, Chelsea."

Not that I didn't already know this. But, He clearly reminded me through my quiet time and a few other lessons that what He's doing through Chase's life is only part of the bigger story. He has big things planned for all of my children! And, I am so excited to watch Kendyll's seed grow. She is a planting for the Lord, and He is revealing His heart to her, even in her dreams.

Kendyll, you are my precious big girl and God is doing AMAZING things already through you. I pray He continues to ignite your passion for His calling on your life. You are a seed planted for His harvest, and He has such a HUGE plan for you, my sweet girl. Happy 9th birthday! I love you SO much, missy moo!


Liz*** said...

Wow! That gives me chills. I can't wait to see how the Lord fulfills that dream!! Happy birthday, sweet Kendyll!

minnerdee said...

Those who go out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with them.
Psalm 126:6

The Seed being sown in good soil of your children's hearts is sure to be harvested in due time! What a harvest there will be one day! So excited for what God is doing and will do through your sweet family. Love that your girls are already hearing God!! So reminds me of Samuel as a child.

Miss G said...

What a wonderful reminder to hold my sweet one "loosely" and leave him in God's arms to mold and use. Happy birthday, Kendyll!! Kelly

Sarah Erwin said...

I have goosebumps everywhere.
Childlike faith...what Jesus asks of us. I know there will be an amazingly plentiful harvest!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY beautiful Kendyll!

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday Kendyll! What a sweet heart for Jesus she has. Goosebumps!

Erin Cushman said...

dear kendyll,

happy 9 years and 1 day old! what a fun year ahead of you. i can't wait to meet you, since i think you're pretty cool, make great faces, have killer style, are incredibly talented in ways that i will never be, and a sweet spirit that humbles people twice your age. i think you know this, but your mom is pretty unbelievable. it's a tender thing to have a mom that's teachable to her children. don't forget that when you're a teenager and she no longer seems to understand you. :)

love you already!


Brooks Inc. said...

Oh how I love that dream...and you precious daughter who had it! I also love our Lord, He still speaks! HE is so good! You are dear to me Chelsea!


JD said...

She is a living example of why Jesus welcomed the children in His presence and pressed us to follow His example.

Loved her dream... I can see it become reality.

My best friend, my son and I are going to Ghana this fall to serve Him, and are looking for opportunities to serve. We're planning on being there two weeks. Does His Chase have any need we could fill while there?