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Monday, September 27, 2010

Starting with a Sunrise

Mark had the best idea, as we were planning the details of this week (yesterday afternoon! :). As usual, he is just the BEST at handling me and my emotions. And, he always knows what I'm going to need. :)

He knew we needed to start the week with a sunrise, and some prayer time. And, even though it was early, I was so glad we did. It's been such a good day.

We woke the girls up early with the surprise outing...I love those sleepy eyes.
And I REALLY love this girl in her cute frog houseshoes and robe. :)
We found a new sunrise spot and waited to see it appear. As we waited, we shared with the girls our hearts about the significance of this day. I shared with them what it has been like as a mommy over the last I was so sad on this day last year, because I wanted our Chase to be here with us so bad.

But, I also shared how amazing the Lord has been this year in healing our hearts and giving us peace in knowing where Chase is, and that we WILL know him someday.

Abby Kate said "Mommy, Chase is alive in heaven forever!"

He sure is, my little Katers. :)

We read our favorite verses to the girls about LIGHT, and the significance of the sunrise on a day like this. We talked about how God promises to make our "night like noonday" (Isaiah 58) and that in Him "there is no darkness" because He is the "light of the world" (John 9).

We talked about how it feels to live in darkness, and how it feels to live in LIGHT.
We sang songs as we watched the sun brighten the skyline, and I LOVED hearing these girls sing to the Lord.
We are so thankful for the LIGHT of LIFE that He is for us. I just have to stop and breathe in moments like these, because I feel overwhelmingly blessed. (is that even a real phrase?)
Mark, it was the perfect way to start our week. Thank you for leading us the way you do, and for knowing just what I need before I do.
(By the way, this might be my favorite family picture ever. Not because it's our best--but because we took it of ourselves, and we had so much fun trying to fit everyone in. Such great memories...)

After our sunrise devo, we were off to Chick-fil-A to get breakfast! It was our first opportunity to do a CHASE Day surprise! And, it was so much fun!
We were able to give breakfast to the cars waiting behind us, and we enjoyed circling the restaurant and looking at each car, knowing that they would be getting their news in a few minutes. The girls really loved doing this, and we were excited to officially kick off our week of giving back. It's going to be really fun. :)


Cortni said...

Oh my goodness have me such a mess!! I am so thankful for you and your family...for the way you have lead us through the grief of losing your sweet boy so beautifully! You have pointed our eyes on the Lord and His purposes...and I just love you!

I love the sunrise, and its significance today. I love Mark for the way he leads your family so tenderly, yet with such strength. I love your girls and their sweet hearts! I LOVE LOVE Chase Day and all the blessings your sweet boy continues to shower down on so many!

I love you my sister!!! More than words could ever say...and I am so proud to call you my sister and friend!!

Kelly said...

Absolutely beautiful, Chelsea!

Unknown said...

Wow, Chelsea! What a special post. I have a lump in my throat. You are such a great family. MIss you!

Miss G said...

Thank you for sharing this with us. What a wonderful family time and family photo! Kelly