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Friday, July 16, 2010

Indescribable Joy

"...And so you rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy". I Peter 1:8

We made it!!

What an amazing day it has been. I am probably not able to put today into words, no matter how many ways I try. But, if you'd like the entire day in pictures, click HERE to go to our facebook album. (Blogger wasn't being cooperative.)

We have met the precious ones we've been waiting for! And, getting to see their faces, getting to know who they are, and spending time playing with and loving on will just be one of those unforgettable days in my life. Totally indescribable joy. :)

Our Day One...

After a layover in Atlanta {just long enough to eat mexican food together!}, we boarded the 12 hour flight bound for Accra. Overall, I would say that the flight went pretty well! It's never easy to sleep on planes, and it's even harder when you so greatly anticipate the place you are going! But, with two different sleep-aids in full effect, I was able to get some good zzz's.

Before I knew it, the lights were on and we were beginning our descent into Accra! I tend to imagine moments like these in my head long before they happen, and try to picture what it will be like or how I will feel. Well, it was all that I imagined and more!

It was beautiful and rainy as we touched down, and it felt SO GOOD to be there. We were all pinching ourselves and saying "We're in Africa!"

Even the baggage claim went so well and so smooth, that it almost felt too good to be true! Thanks to Touch a Life's great relationship with the government in Ghana, we were escorted by a member of the police force, Patience, who runs the anti-trafficking department for the country to make it easier for us to get in with all of our supplies. WOW! Mrs. Patience was amazing and so sweet to us. We actually got through customs quickly and easily with her in charge!

Next stop was the hotel. And, this is when I have a huge confession to make. Ummm...the hotel is rather nice. :) I feel guilty about it. I should be roughing it in Africa. But, we're really not. Beautiful pool. Air conditioning. Spacious room. Flat screen TV (what?). "Rain" showerhead in the bathroom. Seriously?

We enjoyed checking out our living quarters for the week, and especially loved listening to the sounds all around the hotel. All at the same time, we heard a local church's worship and singing. We heard African drums from a local vendor down the street. We heard goats across the street. And, the humdrum of nearby families talking and shouting in their front yard. It was a beautiful sound.

And, this is ALL before we even met the most precious, beautiful, adorable children {besides mine, of course} that I have ever seen in my life.

As we drove up, my stomach was doing flip flops. I can not think of many other moments when I was that excited. As the bus parked and Rachel said "Here we are!" I could have screamed.

Oh wait. I did.

Because who was the first person who peeked around the corner of the bus to see us? DORIS. I let out a squeal and said "It's Doris!!"

Doris quickly ran to tell the others, and slowly but surely, we were greeted by 24 cuties!

They were excited to see us, but not near as excited as we were to see them, I'm sure! I told them all that we had their pictures in our house and that we prayed for them and loved them already. I wish--I really wish---you could have seen their smiles that lit up the house. One boy in particular kept asking me to tell him about his picture, and about my children at home who know him and pray for him. Precious, precious, precious.

There are so many stories about individual kids, and we've only spent a few hours with them! We spent the first 45 minutes just hugging them and talking with them, listening to them sing "Lean On Me" and "I'm Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee", and watching them pose for picture after picture so they could see themselves on the digital screen.

{Family, you'll be happy to know that I also spent quite a long time teaching Doris "Double, Double, This, This"!! She kept saying "One more time. I will go fast-ah" in her beautiful Ghanaian accent. }

After a while, we sat down for dinner. It was very strange to eat without the children! But, that is customary in Ghana. The adults sit separately and enjoy an entirely different meal. Our first meal consisted of amazingly delicious spicy noodles, chicken, a salad with avocado, cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions, and white rice. It was really good, and a great time to sit and reflect as a team on what a blessing this was already!

After dinner was amazing. We just played, and sat, and read, and hung out. I kept looking up from the book I was reading to glance at my other friends, reading or playing a game, or jump-roping with the children. It was one of those slow-motion moments {yet, quite loud and crazy at times too!}

We toured their home, and I listened to a few different kids read their books to me. But, I ended up spending an especially long time with sweet Mary. She wanted to read me her science textbook from school. I mean, was that perfect for me, or what? A little girl who wants to read her textbook for fun?! We were meant to be friends. :) She would get so excited about the next chapter, titled things like "Energy" or "Force" or "The Solar System", and we would answer all the questions together at the end of the chapters. Let's just say she is one smart cookie! And, obviously loves to learn too.

When "bedtime" was declared, she was sad to not finish, since she only had two chapters left. She said she wanted to tell her teacher that she read the whole book. So, I made her a makeshift bookmark with her name {in dot letters, of course} and decorated it with stars and hearts, and then told her that we would read again tomorrow night and finish the book. :)

After lots of bedtime hugs, we made plans with the kids to see them in the morning for beach time! Rain or shine, we're still going to play in the sand with these kiddos!!

I don't know how the rest of the days will go, but I can say if they are anything like today, I'm in trouble. By Friday, I don't know how I'll leave.

Except that I have three squealy girls at home who I also love to do these fun things with! We skyped them tonight and showed them all of our pictures from today. They loved seeing the faces and hearing the stories, and they squealed many times as they recognized some of the kids. Kendyll kept saying "Oh, I wish I was with you RIGHT now!" No doubt about it, they will be here next time for sure!!

Be sure and check Facebook for more pictures of these children!


Rebekah said...

I think I will be there with you next time too!! So glad you all made if safe and sound.


Alyssa said...

remiesThank you, thank you so much for taking time to post! I have been praying for you and your team....please give Sweet Doris a big hug from me!! We love you all!

Shelley said...

Thank you for sharing! How wonderful... God is so Good... All the time :) Soak it all in!!! That is what I told myself while I was in Honduras! Hug their necks and remember it all :)

Dava Lynn said...

Sooo glad to see and hear that things are going well! Praying for you and your team. So excited about what God is doing... Thanks for taking the time to fill us in! Love you so much!

Amy said...

oh i was hoping for a post today!! can't wait to hear more! we are praying for you guys :)

Kelly said...

Loving the updates!!!!! Continued prayers for a wonderful trip!

Traci said...

Chelsea- I love this picture. Your smile warmed my heart. Praying for y'all!