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Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Ghana Weekend!

It's been a Ghana celebration weekend at our house.
First, we've been CELEBRATING because we now have twenty-six children who will have their entire medical screening paid for! THANK YOU so much to those of you who have already jumped right in.

That leaves 38 more precious smiling faces like these:
And, about 31 days. That is a pretty good ratio! We can surely get at least one child {or maybe two} sponsored a day! Thanks so much for making it happen. (If it's the first time you're hearing about this, click HERE to find out more!)

I know we'll get all 64 kids taken care of...because these smiles...
are just too hard to resist!
And, speaking of smiles, those of you who have sponsored a child for the one time medical screening costs, will be receiving your child's bios and pictures in the next two days. They will come from Touch A Life. So, if you have not left an email address for us, and would like a bio, please email your contact info to us at:!

Now, more about our Ghana weekend:

Saturday, our family spent the day shopping for our Compassion kids. We are pretty much giddy that we get to go visit our Touch A Life kids AND our Compassion kids on this same trip! Edwina, Freda, and Abigail all share birthdays with our three girls...and all live near Accra, Ghana, where we will be.

So, we're getting to spend a day with these three girls and hopefully their families! And, of course, we are bringing them a backpack full of goodies...clothes, shoes, art supplies, jumpropes, bubbles, fun!
Our girls had such a fun time shopping for each of their little friends, and I just love watching them have such joy over giving to these sweet ones, who they have written back and forth with and have prayed for.
Then, Sunday has also been a "Ghana day" because the Ghanaian soccer team played in the World Cup....and WON!
We all painted our faces and watched the game together this morning. {I may have been reading my Family Circle magazines while "watching". But, don't tell.}
We were very excited to watch the underdog Ghana team win, and will be cheering them on to the end! Just watching their proud fans in the stands made me smile. They were decked out in Ghanaian colors and spirit from head to toe. And, by the way, that is where you can really see some good victory dancin'! And, of course, these three fans made me smile too with their self-painted flags:

So, we hope to have many more Ghana celebrations around here! Two more World Cup games this week, and MANY more medical sponsorships on the way! GO GHANA!

1 comment:

mcjacobsjournal said...

boy was that soccer game fun!(it was awesome too) I loved seeing Ghana win!! I also loved daddy's idea for face-painting the
Ghana flag on our cheeks! It was so much fun!!
