The tonsils are gone and we’re HOME from surgery! Everything went great and they actually got her in earlier this morning than we expected. (There weren’t very many pediatric patients today...) And, Kendyll did GREAT. She was a little unsure at times, but overall she was SO brave and calm.

We woke her up very early and I think the one thing that bothered her the most all morning was that it was still "dark and spooky" outside when we drove to the surgery center. She did NOT like that and really wanted the sun up. When we got to the hospital, she had fun taking pictures of the waiting room and fish tank with her own disposable camera (We do this alot with her, if she's worried about keeps her mind distracted and she has pictures of the experience later!) They called us back so quickly and she was a very big girl with all the check-up stuff and the goofy juice.

She was not so fond of feeling loopy---I guess she doesn’t like the sense of being "out of it", similar to her mommy! But, she just laid back and listened to a story until she couldn’t concentrate anymore. They got her up in that big hospital bed with her blue "nitny" (blanket), Pooh bear, and Dora houseshoes, and then I had flashbacks to my own tonsillectomy years ago (I don’t remember that part of it, but Mom has told me about how I cried and yelled for her all the way down the hall, as they wheeled me away.) I all of a sudden got worried that she would do the same...but she didn’t. She just stared at us as we said goodbye. She was obviously already loopy enough to not care that they were taking her away from us!
Then, about 30 minutes later, the doctor came to tell us that all went well. They found some pretty yucky stuff in there, according to the doctor. He said that her right ear drum had actually ruptured in the last week and that both ears looked horrible. Her nasal cavities were completely full of junk too, and her tonsils were “gigantic”, to quote him directly! So, I hate that she’s been living with that, and I’m SOOO glad that it will now be outta there! I really think she will be a whole new Kendyll after this recovery. The doctor was obviously very glad that we went ahead and did it quickly. He said she REALLY needed it.

She did not like waking up from the anesthesia and fought the IV and the heart rate monitor. She was crying and coughing a lot, and the nurse said it’s very important to keep her calm and not let her cough like that. So, I just started rocking and singing to her and she quieted right down and dozed off and on in my arms. Oh, the sweetness of that!! I wish I could always fit her in my arms that way.
So, after a little while of watching her and giving her fluids, they let us go. She is now in our bed sleeping, and will most likely do that the rest of the day. We are so thankful for your prayers and ask that they continue for Kendyll, as the doctor said the next couple of days will be hard, as she starts coping with the throat pain, etc. She has some GOOD pain medication, so that will be very helpful I’m sure.

Now Mommy's off to rest alongside her. That was an early morning! Plus, I love being with her when she's so sweet and "childlike". Nothing's better than a sleeping child...especially when it's a narcotic kind of sleep!
Chels--Kendyll is TOO sweet in those pictures. It makes me want to cuddle with her:) Give her big hugs from her favorite Aunt and Uncle (kidding...sort of) and tell her we love her lots!
Glad thing went well and you are all getting some much needed rest. Our prayers will continue. Give her our love.
So glad it went great today and you got it done now instead of later. Here's to a quick and pain-free (as it can be) recovery!
Glad all is well. There really is nothing better than a sleeping baby or child.
Sweet baby! I hope she recovers quickly. I am glad that she did so well. We will be praying for her.
Thanks for commenting on my blog! I know all those people well. Alisa, Kristen, and Lacy I have known since I was 15!
Our little girls do look alike and my son just got his tonsils out in December. It was a tough week, but after a week, Matthew felt much better.
I think I remember seeing you in the Prestoncrest class. I visited Kevin and Kristen along with my sister, Lauren and Josh at church a few times.
Comment any old time!
Kaylee said a prayer for Kendyll tonight because I told her about the surgery. She was so worried about her sweet friend so I showed her the pictures. After seeing Kendyll was okay she felt much better. She did say,"I wish we were still in Sachse so I could give Kendyll a hug and take her a treat." I told her we would get a card in the mail to her so watch the mailbox:)
I'm so glad things went well. I know that called for bravery on your part when you probably needed comforting yourself. Praying for a continuing recovery...Love you!!
I am so glad it all went well. What an answer to prayer!
I love that idea about the disposable camera! I'm going to try that with Zachary next time he gets anxious about doing something new.
I'm so glad that the surgery was a success and that Kendyll didn't scream all the way down the hall like you did! :)
That picture of you and Kendyll is SO sweet! I love that she loves the camera. So does Kylie.
Have a great weekend resting!!
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