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Thursday, July 28, 2011


Oh my, I am so sorry to those who has asked about the blog! I never intended to wait this long to give an update. For some reason, Facebook is so much easier to work with on a limited internet connection, so you can find all of our pictures from the last couple of days there (

And, of course, as I head out the door for another day at Noel, I'm short on time...and words.

There is so much to tell you about our first few days! There have been moments where I just stop and stare at our medical team at work. They are AMAZING and to think God formed this group exactly as it needed to, it's humbling and awesome to see. They have already seen quite a few children who need follow-up treatment or surgery, so we are praying about what will come from this first trip.

And, as the doctors and nurses share their gifts and talents, I'm also so impressed with the rest of our group, who are supporting and assisting in every single way possible. We have an amazing team of "office staff" who are creating and organizing medical files on every single child at Noel, taking pictures of the children for identification purposes, entering their info into a computer database, and labeling their files for the nurses here to use them easily. It is QUITE the job and they are doing it tirelessly. And, these tasks are going to change the lives of these children. It is giving them hope and a future. It gives them an identity as a single child, who is important and worthy of attention. I love what God is doing here...even through manila folders, sharpies, and growth charts. Every single bit of it is so significant in these efforts.

We also have a great set-up in the waiting room area, where we are getting to do a little developmental play with each age group who comes through, as well as some medical play to prepare them for visiting the doctors. It is so sweet to watch them do things all of our own kids do every day without a thought. But, as they play, I watch their smiles. I watch their bodies relax. I listen to the giggles. Bubbles are a reason to jump and laugh. Baby dolls that coo and say "mama" are met with amazement. Mr. Potato Heads just blow their minds! As these children rock the babies, listen to their own voices through the stethoscopes, get stickers and silly bands, build blocks, play Mr. Potato Head, and just BE CHILDREN, my heart can hardly take it!! It brings tears to my eyes to watch. As a former play therapist, I see such potential for their hearts and minds as they are allowed to communicate, learn, and be nurtured through toys and play. And, of course, it is just heartbreaking to watch as the two year olds come in and just hold a toy in their hands, not knowing how to truly PLAY anything. As we began to show them what dot paint was for, or how to roll the car across the floor, I thought once again, how wonderful it is that our team is here to be mommies and daddies, and teach them how to build a tower or kiss their baby doll, or play games.

And, of course, there are no words for how proud I am of each and every kid who came on this trip with us. They are doing AMAZINGLY well and are reaching these children of Noel in ways we never could as adults. They jumped right in and have played all day long...whether it be Ridge and Judd playing soccer or running around with the boys, or Natalie and Emily teaching new songs and dance moves to the girls, or my own two girls sitting and coloring or holding a baby as they get an's all just more than I can describe. Every single one of them have jumped in and helped in every way, with whatever is needed. They haven't complained, and in fact, many have said they are ready to live here! I love what the Lord does through the hearts of children, and I pray over each one of them that this is the beginning of a long road of service for each one of their lives.

As we head out for another day of medical exams and playtime, we covet your prayers over our team's health, as well as these children's health. A few of us have some upset stomachs, which I'm sure will be healed easily. But, some of the kids we are seeing need the healing touch of God in their lives. Please pray with us for the health of these kids. We meet today with some of the mamas and Madame Director about a few changes the doctors see as key to improving the lives of these children, so we also pray that these suggestions are taken well, and that our hearts are seen in our words...that we don't do this because we know better or know more or don't appreciate how incredibly HARD they work for these kids. But, only because we love these kids and want the absolute best for them.

Oh, wow. I have skipped so much. So many individual stories about kids I've spent time with, or team members on this trip and their servant hearts. Those are coming, I promise!!! With this internet connection, we may not have daily updates like I had hoped...but we're storing it all up and will share it soon!

For those of you who have donated to this trip, please know that EVERY SINGLE DAY, these kids are receiving blessing from what you gave. We have had the opportunity to do more than we even hoped for, and it is because of YOU. You are loving these kids even from afar and we could not do this without you!


minnerdee said...

Our Lord smiles on all you are doing! Praise Him from whom all blessings flow!!

Miss G said...

This is so awesome, Chelsea. I so enjoy keeping up with this work via your blog and Cheri. Kelly