Whoa. Watch out, y'all. I'm doing multiple blogs in one day.
This one's a very important one that could not wait another day.
Because today's a very special day. In just a few hours...
This friend who I love: {tara}

Is going to this place that I love: {rwanda}

To love on some kids who I love: {at noel}

And, as she goes, she is inspiring everyone who stands in her path to say YES to the Lord in new ways.
I will never forget the morning I woke up to read Tara's late-night Facebook message to me just a week after we were home from our Visiting Orphans trip to Rwanda...
"I have been an absolute mess since I got home. I know God is calling me and I feel like he is calling me to move to Rwanda, but I have no idea what that means. I have no idea what to do. You have been on my mind alot....I remember you saying a couple of times that God is very bold and direct when it comes to His orphans and I have been praying."
Oh, to think how much was to come after this simple surrender before the Lord. This was just the beginning of a truly BOLD walk with the Lord over the next few months, as He made it crystal clear to Tara what her call was. And, Tara followed every step of the way.
My sweet, amazing, selfless friend is now moving to Rwanda to live at the Noel Orphanage and minister to the children there. Did you hear that?
She is moving HERE.
To love on these kids.
To do everyday things that these kids MISS OUT on.
She'll give hugs, teach girls to crochet, tell them they're special, teach them new songs, share the few clothes she is taking with them, paint their nails...

And, more than anything, she'll be AVAILABLE. For what the Lord already has planned for these kids. For what the Lord already has planned for her. She is going to be living life alongside these kids, and able to know what they need. {And, you can follow along on her journey, by the way...Her blog is amazing.}
Now...Tara is not so different than any of you who are reading this. She is a young, creative, fun girl with lots of friends and a family who loves her very much, who could have easily made all kinds of excuses to stay here in predictable USA, and just make a convenient trip or two back to Rwanda over the next few years.
But, instead, she has chosen His way for her life. He has said "Come and follow me" and she has simply spoken a faith-filled YES in response.
Tonight, she will walk away from this American life and take up the call that the Lord whispered in her ear earlier this year.
And, I can't begin to tell you how proud I am to be her friend. She inspires me and encourages me in ways I can't put into words. It's actually hard to believe that we didn't even know each other before our hearts were joined together while loving orphans back in January.
Tara, I love you and your huge heart. I love knowing that this is JUST the beginning of what God has planned for you...plans to bless you, and to give you a hope and a future, in ways we who stay behind could never imagine. Thank you for the example you are setting for so many others. Thank you that my children love you and know you and pray for you. Thank you that THEY are learning what it means to "abandon it all for the sake of the call" because of your great faith and example.
We are covering you in prayer. And......WE'LL SEE YOU IN RWANDA, BABY!!!
WOW!! That is WONDERFUL!! I can't wait to hear more about what the Lord has in store for her in Rwanda!
this makes me tear up!!! soooo sad and wonderful at the same time! i miss all of you ladies and love each and every one of you for the service and calling you are answering to restore the kingdom! blessings to everyone and hope to see you soon!
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