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Monday, April 25, 2011

Get In On The Action!!

Springtime is always packed with activity. Sports pick up pace. Events are planned every weekend. School is busy. Families are eager to get outside and enjoy the spring air before the summer heat hits. And, we are all thinking of ways we can help orphans.

Oh. Oops. Maybe that last one isn't USUALLY on the springtime list. But, it should be!!

This spring is bringing all kinds of opportunities for getting involved in taking care of orphans, and I want to share a couple with you! {with even more to come in future weeks!}

First, if you live anywhere near the Dallas/Fort Worth area (or if you like a fun road trip with your kids!) you {and your kids!} won't want to miss the Touch a Life bike-a-thon next weekend!!
On April 30, your kids will have the opportunity to bike a 10K in support of a child in Ghana, who has been rescued from slavery. Each participant will be matched up with a specific TAL child, and will have a direct connection to the precious one he or she is riding for!

There is also a BBQ lunch immediately following the ride for all participants. Sounds like a party to me!

What a perfect springtime activity for you and your kids!! For more information, and to register for the bike-a-thon, go to or email Rachel Johnson at


After you ride in the bike-a-thon THIS weekend, you'll need something to do NEXT weekend too, right?

Oh, wait.

That's Mother's Day. So, don't do anything except honor your mom, okay?


You need some help with what to give her?

Oh, I'm glad you asked! We have the perfect thing!!
What better way to honor your mom or grandmother than with the gift of LIFE for children in need across the world? Donate through His Chase, and we will send your mother a beautiful Mother's Day card, as well as more information about His Chase and the children their gift has blessed. {Just enter her name and mailing information when you check the box "In Honor Of"!}

Did you know you can feed a child at Noel Orphanage for $1 a day? For $30, a child eats a healthy diet every day for a month. That is LIFE giving.

Did you know that a mosquito net for a family costs $8? For $40, you can bless five families with LIFE.

Did you know that a can of formula for infants in orphanages in Rwanda costs $6? For $60, you have given LIFE to tiny babies who desperately need the nutrition found in a bottle of formula.

Give LIFE today!! Go HERE to donate and honor your mom in a way that lasts.

So, there. You have two opportunities to get in on the {orphan} action. The fact is you don't have to go far to find ways to get involved. We're excited to keep the ideas comin' and we hope you'll join in the fun!

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