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Friday, December 31, 2010

We made it!

The wireless internet is spotty to say the least, so here is a quick post just to let everyone know I'm here and safe! (Family, my cell phone does not have reception yet, so that's why I haven't sent a text yet!)

Ethiopia is so beautiful....VERY cool and nice. Not exactly Ghana heat here. :)

We are resting for a couple of hours before we go meet the kids in Korah (the city dump in Addis Ababa). We will be playing with them at their after-school program, getting to know them for the evening. And, we will go back there again tomorrow for an all day Bible program that they have for the whole dump community, to play with the kids! It's wonderful to be back on African soil, and we're looking forward to a new adventure every day!

Also, while I'm here, this is the blog entry I wrote on the plane today (which wouldn't post until now)... Love you all and appreciate your prayers!!


So, here I am on another airplane. I actually like these long flights. I have no where to go…in fact they tell me I HAVE to sit still with a buckle around my waist. :) So, it’s my time to think, to read, to sleep, to pray, and to try to wrap my mind around what I’m about to walk into.

I’ll be honest. I haven’t felt like my mind and heart were quite prepared for this trip. This is a different kind of trip than the last two I’ve taken, and it hasn’t helped that Christmas is such a busy time of year already. And, I think some of it was because I just got back from Ghana! But, needless to say, I had already been praying that God would go before me and prepare a time on the plane for me to focus…to emotionally prepare for what is ahead…and for me to hear His voice.

I do not believe in coincidences. I believe that God is always speaking, and sending messages to us, arranging our circumstances so we can see Him at work…so we can hear His voice. He wants nothing more than for us to spend time with Him listening, and once I do, I’m always astounded.

On our trip to Ghana, I borrowed a book called Priceless from my friend, Shannon. This was written by Tom Davis and is a fictional account (with a whole lot of truth) of the awful, gut-wrenching truth about the sex-trafficking of child orphans that occurs in Russia (and all over the world).

I was supposed to have finished the book way before now. I read it for hours on our trip home from the lake. And, I have picked it up twice since we’ve been home to finish the few pages I had left.

But, God had me read it today.

As I read, I saw what He was preparing me for on this trip. And, He just plainly offered it to me in a book. I love it when He does that. ☺

Straight from page 234-235, as a nun is talking to a man who has been thrown into the dangerous job of rescuing these girls:

“I want to show you something to underscore the importance of what you are doing. I feel strongly that the direction your life is taking is much more about bringing the kingdom of God to earth than you understand….Redemption means to restore and renew what has been stolen. Most people squeeze their eyes shut and pretend the Devil doesn’t exist. You know better, don’t you? They live their lives as if there were no problems in this world, no hunger, no orphans, no child sex slaves. They don’t do what God calls each of us to do: to redeem mankind. It’s what you’re called to do. It’s about much more than the redemption of just one child. It’s about you establishing the kingdom of God in a significant way by finding freedom for the captives. All of this is the beginning of a new life for you.

God’s salvation is beyond measure. He has made a way for each of us to have freedom in this world. I believe when you make a way for someone else’s salvation, physical and spiritual, as you have, this is also beyond measure. It is priceless.”

As I was reading these words, I felt this “ah ha” moment coming on. This isn’t just about loving orphans and rubbing bald heads like I keep saying. It IS about that. But, it’s about something bigger. It’s fighting against the enemy for the lives of these children. This book shows what a spiritual battle surrounds the orphan. Satan wants nothing more than to destroy the lives of these children, and to whisper lies to them about what they’re worth. We’re here to share the message that they are absolute treasure. This is about the priceless value of EACH one of these children. It’s about bringing the kingdom of God to this earth…making a way for little ones to get to Him and to really know His love. Even if it’s a battle along the way.

Wow. I am excited to see what that’s going to look like over the next two weeks.

As I was writing this blog, I have my music playing…and of course this song was one Mark just added to my playlist before I came. From Chris Tomlin’s newest album, called “I Lift My Hands”.

“Be still, there is a healer. His love is deeper than the sea. His mercy is unfailing. His arms, a fortress for the weak. Let faith arise. Let faith arise. I lift my hands to believe again. You are my refuge, you are my strength. As I pour out my heart, these things I remember. You are faithful, God, forever.

That’s what I keep sensing…our mission is to show them the Lord’s mighty strength. He is their fortress, their refuge. And, they are worth fighting for.

I have also been praying for a verse to pray over these sweet children. There are so many beautiful verses in Isaiah that I love. They speak of taking care of the oppressed and bringing hope to the hopeless. And, that’s usually what I go to on behalf of the orphan.

But, God had a different direction for me today. He wants me to tell them that they are chosen. The children who have been thrown out with the garbage…and the ones who LIVE in the garbage. They have been chosen.

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are a people of God; one you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.”

He’s calling them out of darkness, into His wonderful light. The world of the orphan is so dark, yet He does not stop pursuing them. And, neither should we. It’s a fight for the priceless.


Cassie said...

SO glad you're there, Sister! And I'm so proud of the way you ruthlessly say, 'YES!" to the Lord's calling. I have much more to write about that, but I'll email it all to you :)

A verse that has been on my heart lately is John 15:16...and I think it's a perfect verse for YOU during this trip. Because you, sweet sister, are chosen, too :) This is The Message version:

"You didn't choose me, remember; I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit, fruit that won't spoil. As fruit bearers, whatever you ask the Father in relation to me, he gives you."

You were single-handedly chosen by your Creator to be right where you are, bearing His fruit, sharing His love and spreading His holiness. He put YOU in the world for one reason: to be HIS witness. It's almost more than I can fathom!

As you find yourself waste deep in hurt and loneliness, be encouraged that whatever you ask the Father on behalf of these children will be HEARD and GIVEN TO YOU! Isn't that incredible? I can't wait to see what the Lord does :)

Love you!!

mcjacobsjournal said...

So proud of you sweetheart!! We love you so much and will try to do some "Chelsea like" family posts of our adventures here in Dallas!! Missing you like crazy already but can not wait to see and hear about all the doors God opens for you and the team to love on these precious kids!! We love you so much!!

Me, K, C, and AK

Sarah Erwin said...

Your heart and posts about Africa just leave me absolutely filled with so many emotions. I'm praying for you as you get to reach those precious children.