This week I've received news of three new families who have lost their sweet babies. I have been broken again and again by the stories. It literally rips my heart out every time I read another story of heartbreak. And I feel like I am more aware than ever of the depth and frequency of baby loss. It's everywhere I turn.
There are so many parents hurting, longing for love...longing for their baby to fill their arms.
And, then, at the very same time, I've been absolutely broken by the stories of children who would give anything to have a mommy to cry for them. There is no one longing to hold them in their arms. It rips my heart out every time I read their stories of heartbreak.
And, I feel like I am more aware than ever of the depth of the orphan crisis. It's everywhere I turn.
There are so many children hurting, longing for a family to love them.
There are two groups of people for whom my heart is crying. Both of them longing for love. And, I believe each group could heal the other. It's the cry and the prayer of my heart right now...
Orphan Sunday 2010

This Sunday, churches across the nation will be celebrating Orphan Sunday. And, even if your church may not be "officially" stopping to celebrate, YOU can still celebrate Orphan Sunday!
Who should help His little ones?
EVERY single one of us.
Spend time with your husband, your children, your extended family, your small group, your Bible class, or your church on Orphan Sunday, and consider what YOU can do for His little ones---for one child---in this world who needs you.
Here are a few quick ideas and resources for Orphan Sunday weekend. I know everyone is busy but the time spent watching these is worth it:
- TONIGHT (Friday), there will be a live streaming of a concert by The Desperation Band, as well as messages from orphans around the globe. (This is also being shown on Direct TV channel 378).
- Watch THIS video, Answer the Cry. It is a 60 minute movie, featuring Steven and Mary Beth Chapman, Francis Chan, and other leaders in orphan care. It's well worth the hour spent, and is GREAT to watch with children or in a small group setting.
- Watch more short videos about orphan care, adoption and foster care, HERE on the Orphan Sunday website. (scroll down all the way to find videos)
- Have a special time to pray for orphans. Here is an excellent guide for praying specifically for an orphan and his needs by name. Or, HERE is an hour long prayer guide you could follow.
- Think creatively as a family of ways to help orphans, locally or abroad. Have a bake sale. Make cards. Write letters. Plan a fundraiser. Find a fun Christmas gift idea for family members that benefits orphan care (coffee, jewelry, baskets, etc.). Collect small toys, clothing, or diapers to donate to a foster care or adoption agency. Buy a pair of shoes for an orphan child. Provide a meal for a family who has adopted or is fostering. Or, dream even bigger! And, see what God does with your ideas!!
And, please take me up on this offer: If your family comes up with a creative way to help orphans, I personally will do all I can to help you find a place to send it. Sometimes that's the hardest part. So, whether it be letters or medicine or shoes or diapers, or money from your family fundraiser...we can connect you with a great organization in need. There are SO MANY great places to get plugged in, even right here in our backyard.
Help celebrate Orphan Sunday. Don't say you're too busy. Just sit down for 15 minutes with your family and watch a video, say a prayer, brainstorm ways to help.
Please don't miss the blessings the Lord has in store for you as you love the fatherless. There is nothing closer to His heart than this and He will bless you for it.
He has rescued each of us from despair. He has adopted us into His family. He has saved us from our darkness. THAT'S why we love orphans. Because He first loved us.
Why Love Orphans? from Christian Alliance for Orphans on Vimeo.
Love this call to action! This video is great. Otter Creek showed it last Sunday to prep us for Orphan Sunday tomorrow. I can't wait to tell you about our plans. Chase Allen Jacobs is getting a shout out :) I am so thankful that he is part of our journey to Ethiopia!!
I too have found out about three more families who are experiencing the loss of their children. I too ache for these sweet orphans. This is a wonderful post, Chelsea! I am going to be talking about Orphan Sunday with our church!!
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