So, I just threw out a little blog post about being helpful at Halloween, and casually mention that we're headed to Ghana in three weeks. What is wrong with me?!
Boy did the emails start pouring in! SO sorry! I didn't even THINK about communicating more clearly about our upcoming trip! (Can you tell that my head is spinning these days?) And, I was excited about the Halloween ideas I discovered, and I just wanted to share them. :)
But, there is obviously more to say. And, more ways to help the kids in Ghana. Thanks to so many for asking!
We just finalized our flights this week, and we leave in three weeks. It's certainly been quick planning. But, it's coming together!
This trip will serve a few purposes:
- First, this will be a follow-up to the health screenings performed by Brad Gautney and his team in July. He will be returning to Ghana, with a medical team, to perform surgeries on the children most in need, and to continue treatment for all the others.
- Since we will obviously not be needed in surgery (ha!), we will spend all of our days ON the lake, where 7,000 children remain as slaves. We hope to reach out to the villages around the lake, where extreme poverty exists. We want to bring happiness to the children there, and make some relationships with the people in the area, to hopefully build bridges for future work in this region.
- We will get to visit the SWEET children that we spent time with this summer, but only for a couple of days. This is very hard for me, and I'm trying my hardest to be content with the days I will have with them. :) We are excited to see them again, and I'm daydreaming daily of the hugs and bald head rubs.
- While we are visiting the Touch a Life kids, we will get to SEE the land where Chase's Place will stand!! We are in constant prayer about this, and are hopeful that some good progress will be made on this trip. We can't wait to update you about that very soon!
- We are fortunate to have Jaron Pitts and his wife, Rebekah, along for this trip. Jaron is the talent behind our Chase video, and uses his amazing creative media skills for the church we attend. He has so willingly offered his videography services, and will be capturing life in Ghana in every way possible. We are so excited about this, and look forward to seeing the fruits of Jaron's work when we return!
So, as you can see, this is a very important trip. And, we are praying that God makes it exactly what He has planned.
I have to admit that I have mixed feelings about what lies ahead. I am so excited to be there again so soon. We didn't expect to get to do this just four months after our first trip. But, I'm also apprehensive about experiencing the lake...seeing the slavery and the poverty...with my own eyes. It will be hard in that way. But, so necessary. I pray that I will be a stronger voice for the children who wait for rescue after I've met them and seen them.

In my last blog, I mentioned the idea of saving Halloween candy for the kids in Ghana. And, we've already received such great response! I am always encouraged by the number of people who just jump in to help these kids in any way! And, they will LOVE their sweet treats!
But, yes, as many of you asked, there are other needs as well. We just talked with Brad Gautney today, to find out what he was hoping to have, and here is what we need:
We hope to deliver 1,000 mosquito nets to the islands around Lake Volta.
They are $7.50 each in Ghana.
We are raising funds for 500 of them through His Chase.
We KNOW the love and support for the people of Ghana runs wide and deep.
And, we have no doubt we can find 500 people to give $7.50.
Or, 250 people to give $15.
I know there are so many needs and so many things to give to, especially at this time of year.
But, how many opportunities do we have to give up a meal at Chick-fil-A or a large coffee from Starbucks and provide LIFE to a child or family? These mosquito nets are literally saving their LIVES. And, this is such a positive step in the right direction for the impoverished villages on Lake Volta.

If you'd like to contribute to the Mosquito Net Campaign, go HERE to donate. Select the Mosquito Nets option as you pay. And, remember that every penny will go to nets...and to preventing malaria, which literally kills thousands every day.
Also, if you or your family, small group or bible class would like to help in other ways, please email me! We are still needing donations of hygiene supplies, as well as "fun" dollar store items for the kids. And, just running to Dollar Tree, you'll be providing happiness and health to kids who are STILL LIVING IN SLAVERY. What a blessing that will be.

May Jesus multiply our small little lunches, and provide abundantly enough for these kids, with baskets of leftovers!
Thank you, once again, for your ongoing support. We'd be lost without you.
1 comment:
will you e-mail what my small group could do? we do an outreach once a month and maybe we could collect some things for you. what would be most needed that we could send to you?
also, please let me know the date that you need money for the nets by. i'll post about it.
thank you!
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