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Friday, October 01, 2010

A CHASE Day Story:

This is Mark posting and we have received so many wonderful stories about how people blessed others for CHASE Day. Thank you so much! I had to share at least one with you all put a huge smile on my face:

"We went to dinner and were discussing the acts we had been able to share today. I kept thinking I really wanted to do something random that would be fun to see the person's response. So as we were walking out , 2 police officers were finishing up and had their money out preparing to pay their bills. So I asked if we could take care of it for them, they a were a bit shocked. I then told them that this is CHASE day and we would love for them to join us in doing a special act of kindness. You could see they were touched, and I got to do something random that I had never done , but had always thought would be cool! I can just see Chase sitting on Jesus knee tonight giggling at the sight of the neat things that were done today. What a precious sight!"


Brandi said...

That's awesome, love it!!!

Catherine said...

Your video was so amazing. Ive been following your blog since your little guy went to be with Jesus. Your family is so insprational. What an impact CHASE has had on this world.