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Sunday, September 26, 2010

This Time Last Year...

As I was getting ready for church this morning, my mind drifted to this same Sunday morning last would be a day that would end up changing my life forever. A day that would begin happy and joyous would end in heartbreak and sorrow.

As we drove to church this morning, I thought about our drive to church last year. I had no idea that my sweet boy, who I had carried, prayed for, planned for, and loved...who I had felt kick and roll countless times, would not kick me again.

As I worshipped this morning, and sang "Blessed Be The Name of the Lord", I thought about that Sunday morning, wondering what my thoughts were as I sang. I remembered my nervousness had already begun, as I tried to sit still enough to feel Chase move. It's all so hazy now.

I try to remember the Chelsea that woke up last year on that Sunday morning. Nothing felt different, but everything was.

I thank the Lord for who this Chelsea is now. He has been so gracious and good to be so gentle with my heart, as He has molded me into a new person. A person who understands loss and pain like never before, but who also understands deep and resounding joy that comes from His hand, like never before.

A song that we sang this morning was the perfect beginning for this week. He truly does bring restoration. He takes our pain, and calls us by a new name. Thank you, Lord.

I've included a video--the only one I could find on You Tube--which is need to watch it all, but the lyrics are even better with the music. (Don't forget to "pause" my playlist at the bottom of the blog first.)

You bring restoration,
You bring restoration,
You bring restoration
To my soul.

You've taken my pain, and called me by a new name.
You've taken my shame, and in its place,
You give me JOY.
You take my mourning, and turn it into dancing.
You take my weeping, turn it into laughing.
You take my mourning, and turn it into dancing.
You take my sadness, and turn it into joy.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, You make all things new...


Sarah Erwin said...

We love you, sweet family in Christ! Thank you for choosing to praise the Lord, in everything.

minnerdee said...

In the presence of Jehovah
God Almighty, Prince of Peace
Troubles vanish, hearts are mended
In the presence of the King.

LORD, thank you for allowing our family into Your presence for Your healing has truly changed our hearts and our lives forever.

Chels & Mark, thank you for leading us back to Him!

mcjacobsjournal said...

Dad (aka MinnerDee),
Your comment was more beautiful than anything I could have written on my blog. :) Thank you for those words, and for your sweet prayer. That one sentence sums up everything our family has experienced.

I love you so much!

The Pools Party said...

We sang Blessed be the name this morning as well, and I cried remembering all I could think of this time last year was those lyrics- He Gives and Takes Away...Much love to you!

Paige said...

Praise the Lord, for he is ALWAYS good. You have blessed this year with your faithfullness! Happy Heavenly Birthday to little Chase- I will be praying for your peace during a week full of emotions.