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Friday, September 10, 2010

How It All Began

Many have been surprised at our latest decision to begin this adventure called homeschooling. And, I can see why. It's "different" in today's world. And, really, it's yet another change in a long list of changes happening in our family and in our little world.

But, really, it's been a long time comin'.

And, I blame it all on my parents.

They were the ones always teaching us stuff when we didn't realize it was happening. Like how fun reading could be. Or, how to silkscreen tshirts. Or, how to make a Chinese meal. Or, how to sew from a pattern. Or, how to write a book report...for the summer.

Yes, it's true. All I did was ask my mom a question about some kind of dog. And, she said "That's a great question! Why don't you look it up and write down what you find?" And, it's been a joke in our family ever since. I wrote an entire report on DOGS in the SUMMER for FUN. And, the weird part was...I didn't even know that was weird.

In fact, as I think back, there were many times when my sisters and I were encouraged to "go look it up" and find our own answers to the questions we asked. I can still picture exactly where our dictionary sat in the hall closet, and what our set of Encyclopedia Brittanica volumes looked like. We were always encouraged to join our mom or dad in their latest creative project, or to learn a new skill by jumping in and trying it.

No, we weren't "technically" home schooled. But, really, we were.

As I told my mom at the beginning of this year, when she attended a conference with me, and was wishing she had home schooled us too....she actually did home school us! They made us well-rounded, creative, confident, and curious learners. Learning was a way of life...which to me, is exactly what home schooling is!

As a wise woman said recently, "We ALL homeschool, it's just a matter of how many hours a day we spend doing it." I love that.

We're not doing anything "different" in our family by learning at home. We've just chosen to do it all day long. :)

And, really, regardless of who your child learns to spell or subtract from, it is still our responsibility as parents to teach life...and the love of our children. God says that Himself a number of different ways. This happens over time. In constant conversation. In living life. As we're driving along. As we answer questions. As we're making family decisions. As we're eating breakfast. As we're going to bed. So, I guess, really, we've just decided to extend that natural way, and do it during the day hours too.

My entire goal in homeschooling this year is to allow and encourage my children to discover the JOY in learning all about this world God has made. To really LOVE gaining knowledge, and especially to get to do that as a family. And, ultimately, I hope and pray we please God and glorify Him only as we do it.

I never really thought about how much I was home schooled over my childhood years until I began this new adventure. But, I truly do thank God (and my mom and dad!) for the love of learning that came from my parents' intentions of exposing us to many things, and encouraging us to try anything and everything that was put before us. We tease my mom for the frequent use of the saying "You can do anything you put your mind to"...but it really is true! And, now I find myself saying the EXACT same thing to my own girls.

As I sat the other day, watching my kids soak up every detail about a subject we were reading about, I thought "there really is no greater joy than this". Getting to be a part of my children's daily discoveries, and getting to be the one to encourage their love of learning. What a true blessing...I really do feel like the lucky one in this.

However, I don't want you to think that it's all rosy and happy and easy! This blessing of being teacher and mommy is still hard. It still requires sacrifice that is so often hard for me. (And, I've only been at this for two weeks!) It has taken alot of my time, and has required me to be a little more flexible than I am used to being. I have had to sit still before the Lord, waiting on Him to direct my days. Do you know how hard that is for me?

But, I'm telling you, every morning that I've prayed the same prayer of surrender for the day ahead, He blesses it. Really. And, that's getting to be an easier---and more exciting---prayer to pray every day. Because the results are just SO worth it.

I wish I could say that I've always known it would be like this.

But, the truth is I said "NO" to God for at least three years, before I said "YES" to this.

Two and a half years ago, I read the book "So, You're Thinking About Homeschooling" by Lisa Whelchel (Blair from the Facts of Life!). As I was checking out at Mardel, I felt weird, like when you check out with other "certain items" from the Target line, and hope no one looks too closely. Even as I read the book in bed each night, it just felt so strange.

I kept thinking "WHY am I even reading this?" But, the truth was, I have always been drawn like a moth to a flame when it comes to homeschooling. Any time I met a mom who home schooled, I was fascinated. I couldn't stop asking questions and wanted to spend a week with her just to see what it was like. In fact, I probably always knew it was something I wish I could do. I even knew all along it was the right thing for my kids. But, I was too afraid.

The real problem ( I thought) was that I am a perfectionist. And, I was SO afraid of ruining my children in this way. Either in making them a perfectionist like me, or being too critical of them in my teaching that they thought perfection was the only permissible way of success. I would try to picture myself as the teacher, and I would just get too worried. And, would quickly change my mind. I also have training in counseling for children, not education! So, I thought what business do I have trying to teach them science and math and history?

So, I said "NO" to the idea when Kendyll began school, and we instead chose a school that was a "middle ground" in the homeschooling dilemma. The girls would go half days to a small Christian school. It was a Charlotte Mason based program, originally founded by a homeschooler! How perfect! The administration views themselves as educators who "come alongside parents", with parents being the ultimate and primary educators of their children. Again, how perfect!

And, it was! It was such a beautiful, wonderful school, rich in literature, deep in Christian faith, so sweet in the way they educated, focusing on good habits, character training, even memorization of entire passages of scripture and classical poetry. It was all beautiful.

And, then last year happened.

Our world was shaken. Our perspective was changed. And, all of a sudden, because of God's great mercy and overwhelming presence in my life, I wasn't afraid of anything anymore. I mean it. I had NO fear. All the things that I've said "No, God, I just can't" somehow became instead "If you want me to, God, I will". I can't explain it any other way.

I realized so quickly how limited our time is on this earth. And, I wanted every moment I was given to count. He said "go" and I said "okay". Again and again He did this. And, again and again, I have received the blessing from just going.

When people ask me why we decided to homeschool, I literally can not give an intelligible answer. I guess it's because it's too hard to explain. Or, maybe because I just followed His bidding, and I don't have any other reason.

But, the truth is, I have many reasons. And, the reasons just keep getting clearer with each passing day.

I am loving a slower pace. I am loving spending really quality time with my children in this way. And, it's NOT because I'm a great teacher, or a patient mom. I'm neither of those things, believe me!

It's because God's grace is covering all the mistakes I am making in this. And, He's allowing me to see the ultimate treasures He has put in my possession for such a little while. These three girls are my gifts from Him....and I LOVE LOVE LOVE watching them enjoy each other, enjoy our home, and enjoy learning all about the world He made.

Of course, there are more details to doing school than that. And, I do plan to share stuff like "curriculum" and "schedules" and all the stuff we've been doing the last couple of weeks.

But, before I got into the details of our days, I also wanted to share the very long answer to the question asked most often: So, why did you decide to do this?

Why? Because God has decided to call me to something that He also promises to equip me for. It's something He called me to long ago. And, I am just finally saying "yes". :)


minnerdee said...

Chels, I totally agree with what you are doing! I believe that if you were to poll public school teachers about what they think mostly influences their student's classroom success, it would be "active parental involvement in the educational process". God has extended a great calling to you. I am so happy to watch you follow Him! Love you!

Sarah B said...

Thanks, Chelsea. As a public school teacher I will admit to having a strong bias. What you wrote was one of the most well-though-out reasonings I've ever heard. What I've come to believe is each family has to make it's own choice. You've made it very clear this is the right choice for your family for this time. And when God asks...saying Yes is the best example you can set for your girls.

Lisa Renee said...

How exciting. For some reason you have been on my mind and I have been lifting you up. SO glad to see how wonderful things are going.

That school loft is amazing! Like something out of a magazine! WHAT a blesssing for your sweet girls as well as you for them. You really are an amazing person.

Miss G said...

Chelsea, wow. Wonderfully written. I understand that "moth to a flame" analogy you wrote about and appreciate you so plainly sharing your thoughts and your admitted imperfections so that we don't get the idea it's all "roses and peaches" and your insistence that this is all God. You've given me food for thought. Thank you! Kelly

Liz*** said...

I love this post. It gets me all fired up!! Thanks for sharing and inspiring us to say "YES"!! Love you.

Katherine said...

I enjoyed your post and look forward to hearing more about your "Adventures!" :)

annalee said...

this was the most eye-opening thing i've ever read about home schooling. made me realize i actually had some home schooling in my growing up years too and i hope to continue to be my kids' teacher in the ways God leads for our family. thank you for sharing.

Phillips Family said...

Love this post and am so excited to follow along on this journey with your sweet family via your blog. I picked up Lisa Whelchel's (love, love, love her!!) book a few weeks ago and am just diving into it...