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Monday, April 05, 2010

Easter 2010

Well, the only thing I received from the Easter Bunny this year was a stomach virus. So, I'm a little too puny for blogging, but I wanted to share some of my favorite pictures from the Easter season. I hope each of you had a wonderful weekend with your families. We sure did!
Multiple egg hunts means many special treasures, lots of happy smiles, and WAY too much candy!!
The Easter Bunny always leaves a trail of bunny peeps to the girls' baskets. Abby Kate woke up earlier than everyone else, and I found her collecting the peeps for herself in the quiet of the early morning. Hilarious.
She then felt bad and recreated the path herself, to share the fun with her still-sleeping sisters.
And, just because I can't pick one, here are a few pictures of my favorite girls in the world looking all cute and springy.
And, I'm going to end with a couple of quotes from others who have summed up how I feel about Easter this year in such better ways than I could myself.

From my sweet sister, Cortni's blog:
It seems fitting that we celebrate Easter this same week (that we celebrate Chase's six month birthday). We celebrate a King who overcame the grave. A God who is bigger than death. A Victory that we can claim as ours. We know, because of this week, and because of what happened on that Sunday morning, that we will have the opportunity to know Baby Chase deeper, and our aching arms will be filled one day. I am so thankful that our story does not end in that hospital room, just as Christ's story didn't end on the cross.

And, from my dear friend, Becky, in an email this week:

When the Lord began to knit Chase together in your womb, He knew the outcome. He knew the heartache...I know He grieved with you and continues to do so...this world is so far from what He intended it to be. Yet in His mercy, Jesus comes in and what was meant to devastate and destroy...builds! He builds on what Satan thought would crumble....He takes the pieces, shores them up and builds a home that will house His children, that will point them to Him. OH Thank you for letting Him use what was meant to destroy to proclaim...So amazing to me that this week you honor your precious boy in the week that the church proclaims the resurrection. Your testimony proclaims, His Chase proclaims...Jesus is alive! Death has lost its power!

On Sunday, Chris Seidman challenged us in his sermon with this question: "Do you really believe to your core that Jesus rose from the dead? And, do you live like it?" My first thought was "Not only do I believe it to my core, I cling to it, now more than ever. Because He rose, I know this world is not my home. I know that there will be a day with no more tears or suffering. I cling to that hope and know that I can live life abundantly because of it. I do believe. And, I'm choosing to live with JOY because I'm so very thankful He died for me.

Happy Easter!


Memaw and Gpaw said...

Sweet Chels! I had to look at your posts for the past couple of weeks and have to say you do have the very best family around. The sisters are such a special group, always so supportive, so sweet! The boys just jump right in as well...It's such a special bond. Thank you for sharing the glimpses of Chase with all of the grandparents. What a tender moment. Praying his life will inspire others to love more and make a difference where we can ...Love Aunt Sherry

Cailee D. said...

Okay first on a not serious note: I love how in almost every picture the girls are wearing YELLOW and BLUE! Perfect!

Second, I was trying to put into words what I felt on Easter. Chase was so heavily on my heart along Jesus' story. But I couldn't put it into words. You, my sister, said it perfectly! Not only do I believe, but I cling. Cortni's blog was amazing to read. Thanks be to God that none of our stories end here on Earth, the hope is astounding!