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Monday, October 05, 2009

The Lord has Provided...

Here I am with a blank blog page in front of's the image that has made me nervous for the last couple of days, as I try to make sense of all of my thoughts enough to write them down here in some way that makes sense. All week, I've described myself as "muddled" in my thoughts and words. So, it is my prayer, that He will give me the words to speak, and to share with all of you. And, I'm asking your patience with me as I use way too many words and jump around way too much...There is just so much to say, (and of course I want it to be in order!), but it's hard to know where to start. So, I'll just start with this:


*Thank you for my friends and family, who know my needs before I do, and just take care of them. Thank you for the amazing large circle of support we have been given, that literally carries us each day. Thank you for the food, the flowers, the cards, the emails, the texts, the messages, the blogs...there have been hundreds and we have read and cried over each and every single act or word of love, even if we haven't been able to respond directly to you yet.

*Thank you, Lord, for carrying us and holding us so close that we physically feel Your presence. Thank you for filling us each morning with your new mercies, for singing songs of healing over us, and for showering your compassion on us. I've never felt it so strongly or needed it so much. Without You, we would have no hope, no peace, no smiles. But, because of You and all that You have so obviously provided this week, we are full of hope, peace, and many smiles, even in the midst of tears. (In fact, many times I've found myself crying and laughing at the same time!) I have never before in my life felt so empty, so lost, so sad, and at the exact same time, felt so strong, so peaceful, and so full. It is something I couldn't describe if I tried, except to say that it is ONLY the Lord--and the prayers of His people--that could fill us in this time. And, we praise His name for that!!

*Thank you, Father, for making your Hand so incredibly obvious this week. You have continuously taken our breath away as we watch you work. From the moment we found out the news that our sweet baby boy had passed away, You were already providing for us. The way you took care of the details that I never could have, just amazes me and leaves me with such deep gratitude for my "Jehovah Jireh", the God who Provides. (Friends and family who are reading this, I will try my best to acknowledge all of these details as I tell my story...) God, your sweet and tender fingerprints were all over this entire journey thus far, and I am confident that we will continue to see them in the weeks and months to come, as we continue to walk beside You through this.

*Thank you to my sweet husband, who has led and carried our family with a strength that the Lord has provided to him in extra large doses. He has been my rock, my comfort, and an AMAZING Daddy to our girls during this week of sorrow. Mark, I love you more every day, and am so proud of you. I'm honored to walk next to you through this grief, as you continually pray for the Lord's direction for our family, and for Him to use this ultimately for His glory. You're amazing, and He is using you in mighty ways...

*Thank you to my immediate mom and dad, and John and Cheri...your love and gentle hugs make it all feel better in many ways. And, even though I know you want to take away this pain, we thank you for giving us the foundation of faith in our lives that now helps us walk through the valley, KNOWING without a doubt where our help comes from. Thank you for all you have done to make sure our girls are well taken care of. That means more to me than anything in this world! You have shared your love and support for Mark and me again and again during these first few days and we appreciate it more than you can know. My sweet grandparents have also brought food (including my favorite desserts!), flowers, and many hugs, and we have all enjoyed this extra time with each of you too.

*To my sweet, amazing can I even begin to say thank you? You have cried with me, laughed with me, given me words when I had none, brought me what I need in the moment I needed it, even when I didn't know. You have grieved for this baby boy like he was your own, and I can't tell you what that means to me. Thank you most of all for being available at all hours of every day, just to talk through the emotional roller coaster that I am riding--and for jumping on and riding alongside me. (And, you KNOW I don't like roller coasters!) Thank you for making Chase's celebration so much more than I had even dreamed. It will always be a wonderful day in my mind and heart, and so much of it was because of you.

*Thank you, our precious angel, Brooke, who was our "nurse with a halo" from Presbyterian Hospital. She was there for the first moments last Sunday night, when we wanted so badly for the news to be wrong. She stood beside us, didn't try to avoid the pain we were in, and instead, asked to be put with us for the entire day of delivery on Wednesday. She is now considered to be "part of the family", and is truly a gift from the Lord to make that day more peaceful and good than I ever thought possible. She was with us every minute of the day, and walked me through the rough times with such grace and love. We appreciate you so much and can never tell you the priceless gift you gave us by serving us the way you did. It was no coincidence that God prompted you to walk into "Room 3" that night...

*Thank you to my amazing doctor, who has been with me since the beginning of my married life. She delivered Kendyll, Carlie, and Abby Kate, and has walked me through surgeries, cysts, and scary times too. She was not there Sunday night when we found out, but was on the phone as fast as she could be, even during a very important family time at her house. She bawled with me, and just kept saying "I wish I was there" and "I'm just so sorry". We talked from home over the next two days, and when I saw her sweet face on Wednesday morning, I just sobbed. She walked me through one of the hardest days of my life, and I will never forget the vision of seeing her deliver my sweet boy with tears streaming down her face. Her love for our family, and her amazing way of doing her job, is another fingerprint of God for me. He was taking care of us through her skilled hands and open heart. She held my hand as I watched my son get his bath, cried with me some more, and told me how beautiful he was. So much more than her job description calls for...but so much what I needed.

*Thank you to our other angel, Amber, who spent over 12 hours with our family on the day we met Chase, to capture every moment on camera. She is an amazing photographer (who happens to also be famous from her appearance on Extreme Home Makeover!), with a heart for the Lord. She ministered to our family in so many ways, and has given us the most priceless gift we could ever have of our sweet baby boy, memories that will last a lifetime. I have looked at them daily and can't get enough of his sweet little feet. Amber, "thank you" is not sufficient to tell you how much you mean to our family. Listening to your story, and seeing your passion for this ministry was amazing. And, your tender way of walking that 12 hour road with us was a gift in itself. Friends and family, if you feel so inclined, please support this amazing ministry of "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep", which you can find on my sidebar. They capture the short but sweet lives of children just like Chase for no profit or charge to these families. Absolutely amazing.

The thank you's could go on and on, and I'll probably be adding to the list as the days go on. That is probably the most incredible blessing from this entire week. We have SO MUCH to be thankful for, and I am so glad that God has made those blessings so apparent to us, even in the midst of sadness. Each one of you has played a role in our healing already, so thank you for walking beside us, lifting us in prayer, and offering yourselves in so many ways this week. "Thank you" is just not adequate..."Your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer" Ps. 95:19


Naming our Baby Boy...

Chase Allen Jacobs

"...whom I call by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made" Isaiah 43:7

Okay...Before I continue with our story from this week (I warned you I would be scattered!), I want to "finish" the last blog I had done, about our sweet boy's name. As many of you know, we had a hard time deciding on a boy's name this time around. We went through quite a list, and had many suggestions from the girls on what his name should be. We were all wanting something different, and it was starting to really worry me that we would never decide! One night, I was literally reading EVERY name in the "C" list to Mark...because he had at least compromised and told me I could use a "C" or "K". So, name after name, his answer was "no". Most of them I agreed with. There are some really bad names out there! When I said "Chase", he stopped and looked at me and said "That's not bad!" Now, that doesn't sound like an amazing "ah ha" moment...but for us, it was progress. :)

So, then it was time to ask the next question that Mark always asks on a name: Would it be a good sports name? Could they call it over a loudspeaker at a big baseball playoff game, and would he sound good? Obviously, that is what is most important when you're having a boy, right?

So "Chase" got the okay for the sports fact, it was even better than that, because it has been proven to be a good sports players' name by a few who are currently playing sports successfully with the name "Chase". :) So, we were closer and closer to this being "the one".

I liked it because it still went with my girls' names, but was still "boyish", as Carlie says. (We had to make sure he stood out as "the boy" in the list of our family names!) My only hang-up, which actually continued until the week before last, was that I didn't LOVE it with "Jacobs". It kind of got caught in my mouth, and I felt like it was too many consonants in one name. Yes, this is why we take a while to name our children. Too many things to consider! :)

After weeks and weeks of me being the only one to resist the name, Kendyll said a prayer for our family and prayed for "Baby Chase". After the prayer, she informed me that Chase would be his name for now, until I thought of something else. After that, we just started calling him by name, and I especially smiled when I heard Abby Kate talk about "Baby Chase". I even had her say "Chase Jacobs" many times to hear what it sounded like. It sounded absolutely precious.

Ironically, I also just began telling others his name days before we found out he had passed away. Even that morning at church, I tentatively announced his name to others. But, as I said it more and more, it sounded better and better. I have to say that now, it sounds absolutely perfect. And, I love that he had an official name---that we all agreed on---before we found out our terrible news. It is the most perfect name, and it has been spoken in prayer after prayer for our family...which makes it sound even sweeter.

Now, on to his middle name. "Allen" is Mark's middle name, and when we first found out it was a boy, I asked him if this was a name he wanted to pass on. We haven't done that with any of the girls, so we weren't sure if we would do it this time or not. As time passed and we discussed different options for middle names, Mark felt more and more drawn to use his name for his son. And, I totally understood and agreed. What is special about that name is that it belonged to his sweet Grandmother, as her maiden name. She passed away earlier this year, so we wanted to honor her with passing her name on to her grandson. Little did we know, that by the end of this year, she would be holding him on her lap, smiling her sweet smile, and whispering his special name. Grammer, along with Grandad, Papa, Grandma, and Little Mama are taking care of our little guy in a beautiful a way only grandparents can...until we can be there to hold and kiss him.

Sweet Chase Allen, we love your name, and we love you. It will be a treasured name in our home and our lives forever.


Laura Scott said...

Oh Chelsea. You are such a beautiful person throughout! Thank you for posting. You have been on my mind and in my prayers a lot. I am not as eloquent or gifted with words as you are. Just know that my prayers are with you, and my heart hurts with you, and I am happy to know that you are finding joy in the Lord while he holds you and carries you through.

MinnerD said...

Chels, I love your knew blog name! I love the new pictures of you guys! I love how beautifully you express yourself! I love YOU! I am so glad you are writing about this experience. As I read your words and looked at the new format and pictures a scripture came to mind: Rev. 21:5 And the one who was seated on the throne said, ‘See, I am making all things new.’ Indeed He does! And joy does come in the morning for those of us who grieve. I love you and am so proud of how you and Mark have honored God through this experience!

jaime s said...

Oh, Chelsea!! What an amazing person you are! I, too, find it hard to find words but want to tell you how much I appreciate you sharing your heart and your Chase Allen with us. My heart continues to be heavy but I am encouraged by your faith and your words of gratitude during such a dark time.

I love the new pictures and design of your blog. So creative and beautiful!!

Still praying for you all!

Love you, friend!

Phillips Family said...

So glad that you have re-entered the public blog world again.

Thank you for honestly sharing your heart and family with others. Your precious family has been in our prayers this past week and will continue to be. Blessings.

angie c said...

I have tears streaming as I'm reading your words which are not scattered, they are a perfect description of your last week. What a way to bring glory to the Father, even through your pain and grief. Joy comes in the morning is the perfect theme for your life now as you and Mark are trying to find your new normal. I think of you daily, and continue to pray for your healing. I'm honored to call you friend (or girl) :) and I can't wait to watch your journey as you allow us into your life to watch how a woman of such faith handles such a tragic event in her life. You're testimony will bless others.
I love you!

Jenni said...

Chelsea - you all have been in my thoughts and prayers since I heard the news. Thank you for opening back up here in blogland where we can share in the story with you.

MM said...

Chelsea and Mark
thank you so much for sharing your blog publicly once more. I used to so enjoy reading about you and your sweet family. I cannot believe how AK has grown since I read last. So sorry to hear about your latest family heartbreak. Please know I am keeping you in my prayers. ( I attended ACU with Cassie and follow her blog)

annalee said...

i am SO glad you are sharing your blog again! i am a friend of cassie and cortni's from acu and fell in love with their nieces, your daughters through their pictures. your precious son has touched our lives too and we have prayed so many times for your family in these last few weeks and will continue!

Shelley said...

Love you lots! Thank you so much for sharing your story. You have been in our thoughts and prayers so much lately. Our family (our little girls included) have prayed for you all. You are such a wonderful family. God has a story to tell through your life. I am so glad you are going to tell it. To God be the Glory. LOVE YA!

Ann Williams said...

Thank you for your sweet heart and your willingness to be transparent during this oh so hard time. God will bless you as you share your journey with others and will give you people to minister to you and in turn, will allow you to help others. (2 Cor. 1:3-7)

Your girls are beautiful and SO big!! Where does time go? I'll keep praying for you everyday!

Jill said...

How thrilled I am to finally be reading your blog again...I used to lurk before you went private. You are such an inspiration to me, and I have also loved getting to know your whole family through Cassie's blog. I have been praying for your family. His grace and mercy follows after you all the days of your life!

Leah said...

I was in club with Cassie at ACU and have been covering your family in prayer. May the Lord continue to fill your hearts with a great peace and comfort in the days and weeks to come. I am encouraged by your strong faith and the courage you have to face each day! Blessings on you all.

Michelle said...

Thank you for sharing you life publicly again. We don't know each other, but I use to read your blog all of the time. You do the neatest things with your girls. You're such an amazing Christian woman!You've been on my heart a lot. I continue to pray for you and the rest of your family!

Jennifer K said...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. We continue to pray for your sweet family.

And thank you for allowing everyone to read again. I cannot tell you what an inspiration you are! You are so creative and talented!

Melissa said...

Oh how I have missed your blog...and you! Loving you during this time. Miss you and yours!

KarenH said...

Chelsea, Thank you, thank you for sharing your heart so openly with us. It was a blessing to me.
Please know that my prayers for you have not stopped. Just tonight, before getting online, I sat on my back porch rocker and watched the thunderstorm...praying for God to carry you and Mark and your precious girls through this storm.
My tears have not stopped. Tears of joy for sweet Chase, and tears of sorrow for your family's loss.
Karen Heflin

Laura said...

Ahhh, my sweet friend Chelsea. I have missed your smiling face more than you know. I've been keeping up with you mainly through Cassie. I've tried to see your blog but it has been blocked so I will now have to do some serious reading. Just want you to know that I love you and am thinking about you and your wonderful family. Y'all are so amazing that words can't even describe how I feel about all of this. I was sick this past week so am planning on doing our balloons to Chase later this week. I will post our pics as soon as we do it. Love You! I pray you continue to feel God's love surrounding you every second of your day!!

Kim said...

Sweet Chelsea, What an extension of God's faithfulness, tenderness and love you are. I have been praying for you daily and promise to continue lifting you, Mark and your precious girls to the Father's heart. Thank you for authentically allowing us to see your journey with the Lord through all of this. Chase is leaving such a rich legacy.

Many Blessings,
Kim (Boerckel) Mills

Betsy said...

i've been reading cassie's blog and have prayed for you and your family. beautiful post!
even though i don't know you, please know that i have prayed for your family and will continue praying.

In Him,

chesley said...

i came to your blog through cassie's and got to hers through a friend of a friend. i've prayed for your family many times and have tears streaming down my face as i read this. may the Lord continue to be with your family.

Hayley said...

Chelsea, I am so glad you have made your blog public again. You and your family are in my continued thoughts and prayers.

Joni said...

I was a faithful reader of your blog before you went private. I just wanted to share with you that I started reading your blog and just felt God's hand in everything you would write. We as a family started going to church after many years of feeling hurt. Your faith along with your sisters was just so amazing to me and just what I needed at the time. Tonight, when I read Cassie's blog and saw the wonderful news, I just began to weep. I have thought about you and your family so much in the last few days and prayed so many prayers. You are an amazing woman, wife, daugher, sister, and MOTHER. I am so sorry for what you are going through. Please know that you are never alone and will always have prayers being said for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your heart.

MereMoore said...

You absolutely AMAZE me! Thank you for sharing your heart. God is so good and I am so glad you are strengthen by Him each moment of this journey. Blessings!

AshleyEbrom said...

Chelsea, I have to tell you how amazing you and your sweet family are. Simply by living the faith you are so called to, others (myself included) have seen God through you. You have my prayers until you no longer need them. (Yes, that long.:-)) I couldn't be there in person, but I was with you in prayer all week. You are all in my heart. I pray that each day is better, and that the Peace of the same God that calmed the waves so long ago falls over your entire family now. I love you Jacobs family.

Jennie said...

I have to say that the celebration of Chase was one of the most precious and faith-filled memorials I have ever attended. From beginning to end, it was evident that God was present...even the weather was gorgeous that morning. I pray for you that your body heals as you deal with the urges of a mother in the absence of Chase. I pray that your heart heals. I pray for Mark and your sweet girls and everyone close to you who are also grieving. Thank you for sharing, even though your story is filled with sadness, it is also over-abundant with hope.

Rebekah said...

Chelsea, you are such an amazing person. I love reading your blog and I cannot thank you enough for letting me share your beautiful life, your daughters, and your sweet, precious baby Chase. Our hearts are with you and Mark!

Brittani said...

Chelsea, I am so excited to see your blog public, I love seeing the girls and how they grow. You are close to my heart dear friend, thank you for sharing you journey. Its wonderful to have great friends to inspire and encourage!
Britt :)

Maria said...

Like others, I was a faithful reader of your blog before it went private....always enjoyed reading stories about your sweet family. Thanks for coming back 'public' again and for allowing us to walk with you on this journey. My heart is heavy for you (and your family), but I have also been encouraged by your faith, strength and perseverance through such a difficult time. Prayers continue..

Paige said...

Chelsea- I learned of your son through my friend Shauna in Lubbock. I have been praying for you and your family ever since- I lost my first baby girl Tatum Cate at 36 weeks last May, so I know the hurt and the heartache that your family is experiencing. I pray that the Lord continue to fill your hearts with peace and be ever so present and comforting in the following weeks. Please contact me if you ever need anything or just want to chat- I know that meeting other mommies has been a major help in my journey!

Brooks Inc. said...

Chelsea- I love you so much...I continue to cry out to the Lord on your behalf. May you feel His presence at every turn. Thank you so much for sharing your heart. You are such a beautiful reflection of our Lord. I Love Him more because of the way you honor Him even in the roughest of times...May you continue to feel His peace.


Amy McCown said...

That was such a sweet post and you expressed yourself beautifully. You all will continue to be in our prayers as you continue on this journey.

The Speck family said...

You are such a truly beautiful family...that is just what keeps coming to my mind as I read your words. We have been praying and crying with you as the news came out about your sweet, sweet Chase. Our hearts are heavy with you, but please know that you are so loved and will continue to be covered in prayer and thoughts.

Kristen OQ said...

Thinking and praying for you my sweet friend. May the Lord carry you through this journey you are on.

Summer said...

We are daily praying for your family. I think of you all so often through the day. In such a difficult time as this, you are encouraging us with your testimony.
You have my absolute favorite verse on the header of your blog. God is our portion! His mercies are new every morning!
We will continue praying for you all!

jamie said...

Chelsea -
I am so happy you have gone public again, but I'm heartbroken over the events leading to your decision. I left a comment for you on Cassie's blog last week, but I'm glad to be able to read your amazing words directly now. To you, Mark, and your beautiful girls (who I can't believe have gotten so big and even more beautiful since you went private!) - you have been in our thoughts repeatedly ever since we heard the news last week.

I have thought so many times when reading about you and your family in the past that you are a truly amazing family. Everyone seems to be using that word, but that's because it's true! And all of the things that make you so amazing are all the things that what will carry you through this trying time now and for years to come. Please know that you and your extended family are in our hearts as you continue down this unexpected and difficult path.
- Ben & Jamie McCurry

Erica said...

Sweet friend, I am so honored to have you in our life along with your amazing family. You all continue to be at the forefront of our daily thoughts and prayers with the Lord. Our hearts continue to be broken for the road you are having to travel. Thank you for sharing your heart with us and allowing us to walk with you on your journey. I wish we were still local so I could give you a big hug, I suppose I will have to save it for the next time we see each other. Love to you all!

Whitney said...

Chelsea, I am friends and go to church with Erica Beard and Melissa Boisvert and heard about your precious Jacob through them. We have been praying for you and your family.

Tonya said...

You touched my heart tonight. Your words melted my heart. Your love for Christ is shown through and through. You ARE being used by God.

I have been and will be continually praying for you and your family.

Thank you for being so strong and obedient to God and sharing your story. I lost my first child this year, after only a week of being pregnant. Certainly nothing like your loss....but a loss. God gave me peace. God got me through the storm. God has lead me to other women like you and me. You are an inspiration to me.

Phil. 4:77 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I look forward to following your blog and seeing all the wonderful things God will do for you and through you.

I am praying that God blesses you and your family and that He will use you and your story to reach out and spread His win souls.

Michael Ann said...

Mark and Chelsea,

I don't even know where to start. We haven't talked in years, but have always thought about you and hold you dear as precious friends from our time in Dallas. Words cannot express our sorrow for you and your family. As tears are streaming down my face, my faith has been strengthened by reading your words of praise to God and trust in His provision for you. I have always heard "God will not give you more than you can handle." But actually that's not true...he WILL give you more than you can handle, but He will not give you more than HE can handle. I hope you find comfort in this, that's my prayer and that you draw strength from the one who knows your suffering and knows what you need before you do. We are praying for you and thinking of you, we love you and praise God for your amazing faith!