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Saturday, June 17, 2006

Top Ten

I'm playing catch up from last week on this one. So, here are the top ten updates that were fun for our family over the last few days (in completely random order).

10. Carlie discovered high heel play shoes. She may have tried them on before, but now she lives in them. I have the CUTEST picture of her walking around naked with only her heels...but it's probably not "blog appropriate".

9. I got an email from a reporter in Washington DC wanting to include Kendyll in her news story on the classic timelessness of lemonade stands. It was pretty funny! After checking her background out a little, I think we're going to go forward with it. It will be great for her scrapbook someday.

8. VBS. I really hate that it even gets a number on my list of things we've been doing, since I've already mentioned it before. But it's true. VBS has been a large part of our month. And, it finally starts on MONDAY!!! We're all so excited around here!

7. Kendyll, Carlie, and Daddy got to go to a Ranger game this week and hang out in PapaRon's company suite. Apparently, they had a blast. Carlie was still going strong when she got home at 10:00. And, Kendyll got to see the homerun fireworks and have a hotdog and popcorn. They were happy. And, I was even happier. Because a) I wasn't at a baseball game b) I was at Mommy's Night Out with a group of friends. We have season tickets to the Summer Musicals and we were off dancing to "Shakalaka Baby". I know. Sounds scary.

6. We got to have birthday lunch with Grandad (my dad) on Thursday. PF Changs! It was very yummy and we had a great time with Dad. The girls and Braden gave good b-day kisses and hugs, and were fairly civilized, considering we started lunch after naptime should have begun for two of the three kiddos. And, we had taken them all for pictures right before. It was a fun cousin and grandad day. As you can tell from the pictures below, Carlie found a new way to be the clown...chopsticks stuck to her face. 5. This one is number 5 AND number 4. COUSIN LOVIN' TIME! We got to keep Braden last Friday night while Cortni and Adam went out on the town to celebrate their beginning of summer! We had so much fun with our big boy nephew. He got to laugh and play with the girls alot, and was introduced to swimming in a floatie and watching Veggie Tales. He was an angel and slept and ate so good for us. And, there really isn't enough time in one night's stay to kiss all of his many rolls. So, Cort, I guess he'll have to come back next week! 4. Following our time with Braden LAST Friday, we got to have Sophie Lynn this Friday! Our sweet niece got to spend the night while Brad and Jodi went out on the town with their friends. We have so much babysitting debt to both Aunt Jodi and Aunt Cortni, that we might as well book every Friday night for the rest of the year to start getting "even"! Sophie was all smiles and even laughed a couple of times for us. She stared at Kendyll and Carlie and watched them play and run crazy. She slept amazingly well and is getting so strong and big! She even has a few "Braden-like" rolls on those thighs! We had so much fun getting to be the aunt and uncle and can't wait to watch little Braden and Sophie run around with our kids someday soon. 3. "Girl", also known as my friend and college roomie, Angie, came over to visit for lunch on Friday, and I got to meet baby Nora!! They were here all the way from Memphis and we needed a few more hours to fit our visiting in. As you can tell, it's been baby central around here. Kendyll can't stop talking about them all. She made fast friends with sweet Nora Kate, and we all got to get some good cuddles with her. She is pure sweetness and is one of the most laid back babies I've ever seen. Ang, it was so good to catch up. I look forward to the day when you live down the street and our girls are BFF. :) 2. Kendyll and I have had lots of good hang out time this week. Although Carlie is so much fun in her own way, it's been nice to take my "big girl" on special errands. We have gone shopping, gone to visit friends, and today we went and had pedicures and lunch together. We gave Daddy a break to watch World Cup soccer alone while Carlie slept. And, we did a girly day. Kendyll was so cute getting her feet soaked in a tub and a mint scrub for her legs. She picked flourescent pink and as much as I HATE flourescent anything, I agreed. She thinks it is the most beautiful her toes have ever been. We had a fun day. (And, her mini pedicure was only SIX bucks! YES!)

1. And, last but definitely not least, we had a great "Day before Father's Day" today. Since tomorrow (the real Father's Day) is full of VBS work time for Mommy, we wanted to celebrate with our sweet Daddy all day today. The girls and I made pancakes for breakfast, gave him his three father's day gifts, and Kendyll wrote him a Father's Day letter. We gave him the afternoon to himself to decide what he would like to do. He did not even hesitate with his answer. His dream afternoon was spent laying on the couch watching sports with no interruptions. What fun is that? Apparently, alot of fun, when you have college baseball, world cup soccer, and the US Open all in one day. Then, we went to Outback for dinner to celebrate his fifth Father's Day with a big old steak. It was a great day for a great father. (There will be more about that tomorrow though.)

That's our week in a nutshell. A VERY large nutshell. (Jenise, that one was for you...)


tamandscott said...

I'm so glad that you got to meet Nora! We've had fun spoiling her this week!!

Candice said...

I am really missing all my sweet friends!

Jenna said...

Wow! You have been busy. How fun that Kendyll is going to be in the paper! That is exciting. Have fun with VBS. I am not even sure our church is having it this year. Is your VBS theme "Fiesta"? I am seeing that everywhere.

Ashley said...

You guys are so busy! What fun summer! I really want to hang out with Carlie. She seems like the life of the party.

Have fun at VBS this week.

angie c said...

We had so much fun, girl. I miss our chats. Too bad we couldn't visit longer. It's so hard coming into town and trying to fit everyone in. Ugh. We need to plan strictly a friend visit one of these days. your girls are the cutest and I enjoyed every minute. Love you!

Traci said...

I always knew that Kendyll would be a star!! That is so exciting about being in the paper!

Four more days to go!!!

Anonymous said...

YES...I love that! Well done, my friend!!! : )

Forgot VBS started today. Good luck & I'll talk to you very soon I hope. Love you!