This might be my most random post ever. I have been thinking of all different "tidbits" that I want to have documented, so I'm just doing it all at once.
Today was my actual due date for Kendyll. I'm so glad that she had her birthday two weeks ago...and that she came 14 days early in 2002! I don't know why the "due dates" still stick in my head, but I had a little celebration for myself this morning that this WASN'T my child's birthday....
Tomorrow begins an exciting time for the Jacobs family. Mark's parents arrive from Hawaii at 7 a.m. (which means EXCITEMENT for two little girls I know!) to prepare for Jodi (Mark's sister) to have her baby this week! Right now, the induction is scheduled for Wednesday morning, unless the hospital switches anything on her...many of us know how that goes sometimes! I am so excited to be an aunt to Miss Sophie Lynn Jacobs and we are all praying hard for an easy and healthy delivery of this precious girl. The reason I say the excitement starts tomorrow is because we already have many "baby" errands to run to get ready! My favorite one of all is going with Cheri to find Sophie a coming-home outfit. Those are always so fun to search for, and I'm addicted to sweet little baby stores anyway. So, that should be very fun.
Cortni is also coming up to Dallas with sweet little Braden for some playtime tomorrow and to shop a little for him too! He is SO fat and squeezable that he is outgrowing all of his clothes so fast! So, another fun shopping trip for me, the aunt!
Carlie's latest interests have expanded to include crafts of any kind. She mainly likes painting...and yes, this is VERY messy with her. She also loves coloring and now is obsessed with stickers. She covers her hands, arms, and shirt with stickers from a big box that I have, and she also shares many with Kendyll, mommy, daddy, Annie (dog), and every piece of furniture in our house. As cute as it is when she says "stituh", I am a little worn out on finding My Little Ponies, halloween bears, music notes, and smiley faces on everything in my house.
Her other new thing that makes us die laughing is her addiction to Veggie Tales. She LOVES the Silly Songs the best and can sing a few of them by tune (the words are pretty much unrecognizable). Her favorite is "Say Boo". She goes around singing it at the top of her lungs, and it is exactly the right tune! It is pretty adorable. I hope she's going to be interested in music, since she loves it so much. I'm hoping, anyway....
Kendyll has had many funny comments lately that I at least wanted to get down before I forget them....
She got very frustrated with Daddy the other day and came out of the bathroom huffing his name. Daddy said, "What is wrong with you?" Kendyll said "Daddy! You have GOT to remember to fix the potty seat when you finish! I can't SIT DOWN when the seat is up!" It was hysterical! And, this really isn't something she learned from me! (I'm not really a toilet seat doesn't bother me to put the seat down myself...but it obviously bothers her!)
She is getting bigger by the day and it is so evident in the way she talks about things and the way she helps Carlie learn things. It's so cute to watch her teach Carlie how to say something or what something is used for. She is so helpful and sweet to her even though "Crazy Girl Carlie" isn't always that nice back.
The other day we were swinging at the park and she was going pretty high. She kept saying "I'm almost there, I'm almost there!" I said "What are you trying to reach?" She said "My feet are almost in heaven! I just have to go a little higher and we'll be there!" Then, she started yelling "Hi, God! Hi, Jesus!" It was pretty funny....and we looked a little weird to the other neighborhood families, I'm afraid.
Daddy now has a new nickname---"Big D"(thanks to "Katie's Daddy", aka Jimmy). Jimmy called Kendyll, "Big K" the other night and she wasn't too sure about having this nickname. But, then when she used it on Daddy, it has now become pretty cool.
We went shopping at Target for some spring clothes for the girls and shoes for Carlie. Kendyll has never been so into the shopping part of it. She kept picking out clothes with a "4" on the hanger and saying "Won't this be adorable on me? It's a 4...can I get it?" And, she actually picked really cute things! Then, she would find the right size for Carlie too. She found all kinds of cute shoes for the whole family (although only Carlie scored in that area). And, swimsuits for each of them too. It was a busy morning at Target for us! And, the bill was bigger than it would have been if I didn't have a shopper helping me pick cute stuff! Man, I'm in trouble....
With all the warm weather, she decided the other morning "felt like we were in Hawaii". I asked her why it felt like that. She said "The birds are so happy singing and the wind is hot. The grass is a little bit green too." So, I guess she was right in some ways. We were just missing a few key things that represent Hawaii to me! Anyway, the rest of the day we had to pretend like we were there. It was pretty funny to listen to her "imagine" the Ko'Olau mountains (yes, she can say "Ko'olau"...can you?) as we drove down 635.
Last Kendyll comment and then I'm done. The other night on our way home from church the moon was just a sliver in the sky. I was telling her about how the moon changes each night, although I left out a lot of the science stuff that was over her head. I said that each one has a name but that I didn't know them all. She said "Mommy, I learned those already! This night is pretty easy. It's the smily moon!" Then, that night in her prayer she thanked God for all the moons he gave us, especially the silly smily one.
I just love these two girls and all the story material they give us as parents. I feel like I could just go on and on about every little thing and bore you all to tears. Oh wait, I already did, didn't I?!
Now I'm off to clean house to get ready for Pops and Grandma's arrival! Yippee! Let baby fun begin!
That's so exciting! Scott and I are going to Hawaii next summer for our ten year anniversary. We've never been, so I'll have to call you to get expert advice before we go! Have a super weekend and week with your family! (I did notice on Cortni's blog how much bigger her Braden was than my Brayden! I need to start feeding mine some wheaties!).
Lot's of baby fun all around. We're waiting on the call from the Baton Rouge Moreland's regarding a niece or nephew due to arrive soon. I just can't wait to be able to spend more time with you and your girls. They are precious and you're right, it's amazing what kids will say. Today Hollyn gave me permission to work when we get to "Midlofian" and to take the car with me--random.
It sounds like it is going to be a great few days for you guys! I can't wait to hear about Sophie. Kendyll is a girl after my own heart- I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Target too! Your girls are getting so big- I love hearing stories about them :)
I love the stories about your precious girls! Keep "boring" us!
You never bore me with stories about your two precious girls. They are so much fun to hear about and always good for a smile and a laugh. Love you guys!!
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