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Monday, March 20, 2006

Rainy Days

As of this afternoon, it's finally sunny outside! I was really starting to wonder if it would ever clear up around here, but I know the rain was much needed. I think in the end, the total was close to 10 inches for our neck-of-the-woods! CRAZY!!!

But, there are so many great things about rainy weather, especially when it's really bad like this weekend was. It's such a good excuse to stay indoors and save the errands for another day. (Now, it's sunny and the grocery store awaits me....bummer.)

But, back to the rain...We had a good weekend and it actually seemed pretty long! We ended up visiting my grandmother AT HOME on Friday and Saturday. She got released from the hospital and we are so thankful for that! So, Mark, the girls, and I drove to Mineola to visit them, and were able to have dinner there, bring her paintings,a balloon, and flowers from Kendyll, and just spend time talking and visiting with the family. It was a completely unplanned visit, and it ended up being one of the best! Since there was nothing on the agenda, and it was raining outside, we relaxed the entire time and were in no rush to get home on Saturday. It was such lousy weather that Mark and I decided not to do our date night on Saturday and rented movies and got take-out instead. (those are my favorite date-nights anyway!)

Overall, the weekend was great catch-up on family time, as well as organizing, working on Sunshine School and VBS, and a great day at church followed by LONG rainy naps. Now, it's back to the grind, I guess!

Here are a couple of new stories about the girls from the top of my head.

Kendyll has started a new phrase that I really don't care for. If she likes something alot, she will say "I want to (insert following phrases: eat this/do this/stay here/go there) every day until the end!!!" in a very excited voice. I don't know why it bothers me that she says "until the end". I know it's her way of saying she loves whatever it is she's talking about SO much that she wants to do it/have it forever. But, I don't like it! I also have a hard time when she says she can't wait to go to heaven and that she is going there when she's five or twelve or sixteen. (she says that alot too.) I have definitely realized that one of my biggest fears is her "end" coming before my own and don't like it when she refers to it in any way. What's my deal? I obviously need to turn that over to God, because it's obviously tough for me if a simple phrase from a four year old can turn on those feelings so fast. I haven't really addressed anything about this phrase with her because I know she doesn't mean it the way I'm taking it. But, I think I'll change her phrasing next time to "I love this so much, I wish I could do it forever!" :)

Carlie is now 19 months and has started naming her colors and talking alot more. Of course, I understand some of her "verbage" a little better than others do. (or, I want to think what she's saying is clear, when it's really not!) Her favorite color to name is "black" (bak). What is that supposed to tell me that black was first? Kendyll's first color to name was "pink"...go figure. So, Carlie's is "black". Oh, my--I hope this isn't some foreshadowing to her punk-stage in highschool. She also loves yellow (wu-whoa) and orange (nge) and purple (puh-pull). So, those are kind of sweet, right?!

Anyway, we're really trying to work on her using words instead of screaming. She is doing better for sure, although we still have a road ahead. My favorite is when she says "mo, I dro" (this means "more, I throw"...which means she's thrown whatever she was eating or playing with and wants it back.) See, what I mean? She speaks so clearly, I don't know why anyone could misunderstand that!


Cassie said...

Can one even say "nge" as a word??

hollyfouts said...

Colors? I'm impressed. I have been working with Miller on that, but honestly he has just now REALLY mastered body parts. (pointing to them, not actually saying them) Sometimes when I ask him to point to the "blue flower" (or whatever) he points to his nose or something. I think it may be a while before he knows colors!

Avery always tells me that she doesn't want to go to heaven. It bothers me. I guess you can't win on this subject.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Cassie, one can. I didn't realize this until my son started talking and if he repeats words he's never said before it's always the END of the word he attempts.
Chelsea, I love the story of your girls. I think I'd be a little worried if my daughter talked about the "end" too. But Hollyn just says things like, "No, Daddy, Mommy isn't coming home from work." (which she said on a very rainy day) He had to let her call me so that I could set her straight but it still didn't make me feel at ease as I was driving home. Kids!

Erica said...

We are glad that your grandmother is doing better and you were able to have a nice family visit. We will continue to keep her in our prayers.

Good for Carlie with her colors! She is getting so big!!

Anonymous said...

Ok - last night Katie (in one of her meltdowns) told me she wants to go live with another family. Then she said, "No, I really just want to go back to live with God." It really does freak me out when she talks like that. Of course, I'm like "NOOOO! But yes, sweetie, Heaven will be a wonderful place to live someday a long, long time from now!" :)