Kendyll was having a tea party for her dolls in her room this morning, and apparently little sister was annoying her. Carlie was taking the birthday hats off the dolls and making them all fall out of their chairs. Oh, the nerve!
So, out comes Kendyll to the playroom (where I was) and said "Mommy, I need to make a Keep Out sign for Carlie." I wasn't sure I heard her right so I asked "What do you need?"
"I need a keep out sign for Carlie for my door. It needs to say KEEP OUT OF MY TEA PARTY (said with loud emphasis)."
"I said, well, Kendyll we don't need signs like that in our house. That's not how we share with her, and really, she can't read anyway, so she won't even know what it says."
"Well, it doesn't have to have words. We can just draw a picture of Carlie's face and put a big red circle around it with a line down the middle" (at this point she drew a circle in the air with the diagonal "keep out" kind of a line)
I started dying laughing. I mean, literally. I was cackling. First because I was picturing this sign with a line across Carlie's sweet face hanging on her door. And, second, because I have NO IDEA where she gets this stuff!! She said "This isn't funny, Mommy! I need a sign right now!" Then, I made the whole "she's your sister" speech and "we don't treat her that way" and "play something she can play with you" and all of those other things. So, she eventually did, only after a little more debating of why she needs this sign.
Where do these things come from?
(actually, I asked that, and she told me "Max & Ruby"...nice. Such a great influence.)
On another note, I need wise advice. For a few months now, Carlie has had many bouts of car sickness. It's always random and we haven't figured out what exactly triggers it, but she had another one last night. It's horrible! Not just a little spit up, I"ll put it that way. Any suggestions from moms who have dealt with this? Is there anything we can do?
That story was so funny! And I'm gonna bet Kristen O'Quinn can give you some hints on dealing with car sickness!
Kristen O'Quinn is the definite car sickness expert...
BUT, I LOVE the story about Kendyll and Carlie! So cute...and so REAL! Of course you handled it great- I better start taking notes :)
I have no idea where our kids come up with some of the stuff they do--the evil influences of school, I guess. Or that Max & Ruby. Ruby is really bossy. Matt doesn't like for Hollyn to watch it because Hollyn is already a little on the bossy side herself. We caught her slapping Noah's hand last night in the bath saying, "No, No, Noah." Big trouble for her.
I can't help you with the car sickness thing. Didn't you go through the same thing with Kendyll?
Yeah, Sara, we did go through this with Kendyll, but only once in a blue moon and only in the last year or so (so she was old enough to warn us it was coming, and she would neatly throw up in a sack we kept in the car) We figured out that Kendyll's problem was reading in the car. But, Carlie can't warn us and we don't know what "sparks" it.
I did read this morning online that putting them in the middle seat where there is less "movement" from the car and so they can see out the front windshield might, that's our next try!
And, yes, I am waiting for Kristen's comment because I know she is a PRO at car sickness!
Thanks everyone!
We have had our share of car sickness this year, that's for sure! It always happens on a Sunshine School day, too! Riles gets NO milk before or during the trip and I keep lots of wet-wipes, towels, and clothes in the car! Good luck!
Also, you handled the sign incident SO well. Kylie has started shutting Riley out of her room and it makes me so sad! I know she just wants to sing and pretend but Riley just wants to play with her!! Those older siblings are just TOO cool sometimes!
Well I wish I had some advice for you except to keep a towel and clean change of clothes in the car at all times. Kaylee did this for about a year off and on usually only when we were on the highway traveling to my parents. We never figured out the cause so we just decided to stop letting her eat a few hours before we traveled far in the car. I think Stephanie F. had this problem with Kamdyn and it was watching the t.v. in the car that did it for her. Who knows?
I enjoyed the story and am afraid once Campbell starts walking we will be in big trouble too. The visual of Carlie with a slash across her face made me smile. Kaylee does have a sign on her door the says "No boys allowed except Daddy". I think it is due to some friends of ours coming over one night and their son was a little on the rude side so after they left Kaylee wanted a sign for her door. These kids!
I am catching up on blogs at my parent's house right now...
As for car sickness:
Sam gets car sick all the time. It started around 9 months old and he does it at least a couple of times a month. There is no real trigger with it -- curvy roads, start stop traffic, highway, etc. -- it all seems to be a trigger at some point. We bought shade for his window on his side of the car and it also seems to help him when he watches a movie (keeps him from looking at everything out the side of the window and facing forward.) Our car has bucket seats, so a middle seat isn't an option (but to be honest, it doesn't really help him when we used to). We keep towels and clothes with us in both cars to use when it happens. And I bought carseats with covers that come apart and wash easily! We also never let him leave the house on an empty stomach and having just had a glass of juice on an empty stomach.
I cannot tell you how many times I have been within blocks of church and turned around to go home because of car sickness (with our windows down and my head hanging out of the car because it smells!) I always drive really fast home knowing that if a cop pulled me over, he would take one whiff of our car and probably escort me all the way home!
I know I am not being much help. I did talk to my pediatrician about though. He said that genetics research has shown that it is a "passed down" trait (I am bad about car sickness) and runs along the same strand of genes as migraine headaches (which I also get). So, he said chances are, his car sickness is here to stay and to watch him for headaches in the future. Uplifting conversation, huh?!?
Good luck with Carlie. If I hit upon any miracle cure, I will pass it along, if you promise to do the same.
(Sorry for the WAY long post!)
Avery LOVES Max & Ruby. We just got it when we moved here. I thought it looked pretty harmless....maybe I need to watch it a little more closely! Carlie/Miller are at a tough age. Miller wants so badly to be involved in whatever Avery is doing. He gets so upset when he doesn't get his way, and Avery gets so upset when he "messes up her stuff." Lots of fighting and lots of screaming!
Hi I came across your blog through Erinlo (I think) and I am not sure how old your little girl with car sickness is but I did see that ginger is supposed to help car sickness, maybe a little ginger ale might help, especially if you can figure out what the trigger is and give her some right before. My 8 year old was pretty bad about car sickness but seems to have outgrown most of it. Hope this helps!
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