Well, there I am. No, not the front female with perfectly straight pearly-whites. The one further back in the picture. With the braces on! Yes, it is true. Chelsea is about to be a brace-face. And, I'm dreading it every minute of the day right now. I've even had dreams about how ugly I am going to become as of next Wednesday. In a few more days, I will be showing off my new smile. Or, should I say hiding it. I'm a little worried about what I'm going to look like with this new addition of metal and elastic on my face! I did opt for the "clear" braces...whatever that really means. Too bad they're not SO clear that you can't see them at all. Unfortunately, I wasn't a candidate for Invisalign or any other "easy" treatment, since the entire reason for my braces is my jaw. I guess it's a more difficult problem to fix, so the full braces option is my ONLY option.
And, I had no idea that this was gonna hurt so bad! I just went in a couple of days ago to get my "spacers", the pre-braces treatment. Okay. No one in the dentist office warned me of soon-to-come discomfort or told me that I would want to rip my teeth out by day 3 of "spacers". But, I do. It has hurt to bite into anything today, and my braces aren't even ON yet! This has been shocking for me, and a little traumatic, seeing that I had no idea that I should be expecting pain. I knew next week would be tough, but I think I underestimated this whole thing a little.
So, there it is. My feeling-sorry-for-myself blog. I'm sure this won't be the last one, as my mouth grows more uncomfortable over the coming days. And, you will all know how I'm feeling about the "look" of them by the next day, I'm sure. Oh, poor Mark. He better be ready for some whining. I know it's coming. I mean, I'm a grown-up mother of two experiencing the teen years all over again! No thank you! Sigh.
I saw this sign on the internet. It might become my new blog logo for the next year and a half of my life.....
You are beautiful on the inside and out...braces cannot and will not change that. I am sorry you are going to have to go through this. I am sure the discomfort is a challenge. I know the first time I had a root canal I wanted to never use my teeth again but the feeling passes over in a little time. You deserve a little babying from Mark so use it:)
Okay, I'm realizing from your VERY sweet comments, that this blog may have come across as a plea for "tell me I'm pretty anyway" comments from my sweet friends. :) Really, I didn't mean it that way...and you might all think differently soon anyway!
And, yes, Sara, I do think about how braces will be around as long as Carlie has been around. But, you know me, I've seen that as a NEGATIVE thing...because I feel like she's been around forever!! I can barely remember when it was just Kendyll. Oh man, here I go whining again...I'll shut up now!
Is this your first time with braces or did you have them as a teen? I think I have had about EVERY orthodontic treatment known to man -- head gear (attractive, thankfully only worn at night), braces, retainers, rubber bands, etc. What is wrong with your jaw or am I being too nosy?
I still on occasion try to wear my retainer for a night -- but I end up taking it out sometime in the middle of the night because it is making my teeth feel bruised -- I am a wimp with tooth pain! I have given in to the fact, that my teeth will just be a bit crooked!
Can't wait to see your new smile!
I'll tell you the truth...you won't look that great with braces:) Kidding!
Too bad we all had straight teeth when we were kids because now we are all going to get braces in our later years...beautiful:)
I can't wait to see you (and your new metal mouth) next weekend. Are we still doing the switch pictures thing?
FYI- Braces hurt a lot. No lie, they are not fun, but it is well worth it. I look forward to funny blogs from you about your metal mouth!
I am so sorry that you are having to get braces... I know it will be annoying and a little painful- but it will fly by... and it will make your jaw feel so much better. i have had several adult friends with braces- and I always totally forgot that they had them. You will look great, I just know it!
At least you don't have to have a headgear.
Clear braces won't be all that noticable. I use to come home from elementary school and put aluminum foil on my teeth and pretend I had braces. So, deep down, I wish I were you (only with the metal ones).
I remember getting braces. I was SO excited. I thought I was so cool. (But I was in 7 th grade) The most painful thing I ever had was a pallet (sp?) expander. You have to turn this little key every day and it widens the roof of your mouth....so painful. After wearing braces for 2 years, I didn't wear my retainer. Now my my bottom teeth are crooked again. My mom almost killed me after paying for the braces.
You will survive the next year and a half. (Some complaining every now and then will make it better!) And you will be glad you did it. And I agree with everyone...you look beautiful with or without braces!
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